Pinball Machine

by 2025043 in Workshop > Woodworking

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Pinball Machine

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I created a DYS Pinball machine. This uses a variety of unique mechanisms to create movement.



  1. 6 pieces of cherry wood: dimensions 10cm by 4.5cm
  2. 2 pieces of ½ inch plywood: dimensions L= 36cm by W= 10cm
  3. 2 pieces of ½ inch plywood: dimensions L= 65.5 cm by W= 10cm
  4. 1 piece of ½ inch plywood: dimensions L= 65.5cm by W= 36cm
  5. 1 piece of ½ inch plywood: dimensions L= 43cm by W= 3.5cm
  6. 1 piece of ½ inch plywood: dimensions L= 31.5cm by W= 3.5cm
  7. Wood glue
  8. Half inch Metal ball barring
  9. 3D printed parts (Fusion link below)
  10. Elastic band
  11. 2 screws Length 3.5cm
  12. 2 screws Length 3cm
  13. 2 Clamps
  14. Drill with a cutter bit 3.5cm diameter

Creating Base

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Step one: (Creating the base/play area)

Grab your 2 pieces of ½ inch plywood: dimensions 36cm by 10cm and 2 pieces of ½ inch plywood: dimensions 65.5cm by 10cm and plywood: dimensions 65.5cm by 36cm. Place the plywood: dimensions 65.5cm by 36cm down flat as a base and line up the other pieces to make walls. Grab four pieces of the cherry wood: dimensions 10cm by 4.5cm and place them in each of the corners upright lining up square with the walls. Put an even layer of glue on all the sides of the cherry blocks that are connected to the walls and ground. Use the two clamps to secure the wood in place and wait to dry. After all pieces are secure your play area is finished.

Creating Ramp


Step Two: (Creating the ramp)

Gras the 1 piece of ½ inch plywood: dimensions 43cm by 3.5cm and the 1 piece of ½ inch plywood: dimensions 31.5cm by 3.5cm. Lay the plywood: dimensions 43cm by 3.5cm down flat and the plywood: dimensions 31.5cm by 3.5cm on its side so that the edges are flush. Use the wood glue and clamps to secure the wood in place and wait to dry. Now at a 45-degree angle put the ramp on the right side length-wise of the walls. Use wood glue and clamps to hold it down and wait until it's dry.

Creating Rebounder


Step Three:

Glue down one piece of cherry wood: dimensions 10cm by 4.5cm in the right top corner going diagonally across. This will act as a rebounder for the ball.

Creating Mechanism (part 1)


Step four:

On the side of both walls drill with the cutter bit two circles with 3.5cm drill bit in diameter. 8.5cm across the wall and 3.5cm up. After drilled take your 3D-printed part and insert it into the hole and screw on the end.

Creating Holes for 3D Parts


Step five:

Grab the last piece of cherry wood: dimensions 10cm by 4.5cm use two screws size: 3cm to screw down the cherry wood directly 4.5cm out from the middle of the back wall.

Creating Mechanism (part 2)


Step Six:

With the size: 3.5cm length screws are drilled in both paddles so they can rotate on an axis and are in line with the shifters.

Creating Mechanism (part 3)


Step Seven:

Attach an elastic to the paddles with glue and attach that elastic to the cherry wood behind the paddles so it comes back in place.