Pig Rock Painting

This is a pig we painted on a rock.
All you need is:
1. a printer (or get a friend to print for you),
2. a picture which I have uploaded,
3. duct tape.
4. a permanent marker, and then the colors of your choosing.
printed stencil paper, permanent marker, rock or other surface, and paint of your liking, duct tape
Here Is the Stencil

You print this. Put it on the rock, and secure it with a lot of duct tape, so you can draw on top of it, slowly, with a permanent marker, so that when you remove the paper; the permanent marker lines will show up on the rock.
It will look kind of weak of course, since you drew on top of a piece of paper.
So take your black color and fill out the lines. Then fill in with the colors that you like.
Let it dry and place it where you want :)
This Is After We Traced It With a Normal Marker, AND Painted on Top of It With Real Paint

This is after we traced it with a normal marker, AND painted on top of it with real paint.
I didn't get to take pictures of every step, but with my text instructions; I hope you will easily get the idea.
The Final Result, Being Put Outside, After Drying

That's it!
There's your pig :)
Btw, "masayang baboy" means "happy pig" in Filipino language.