
by balaji49 in Circuits > Electronics

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Raspberry Pi to Arduino Mega communication using Inter-Integrated circuit or I2C Protocol and blinking an inbuild LED using Raspberry Pi as Master and Arduino as Slave


  1. Raspberry Pi (any version) -1
  2. Arduino Mega or UNO (here Arduino Mega) -3
  3. Bread Board -1
  4. Female to Male Jumpers Cable - 3
  5. Male to Female Jumpers Cable - 9

Step 1: Wiring


We start this project by wiring the connection,

  1. Take a breadboard,
  2. Set the connection as follows,

Raspberry Pi SDA (Sky blue color in the picture) –> Shared SDA on breadboard

Raspberry Pi SCL (Sky blue color in the picture)–> Shared SCL on breadboard

Raspberry Pi GND (Black color in the picture)–> Shared GND on breadboard

All Arduino SDA(Gray color in the picture) –> Shared SDA on breadboard

All Arduino SCL (Gray color in the picture)–> Shared SCL on breadboard

All Arduino GND(Black color in the picture) –> Shared GND on breadboard

Step 2: Under Standing the Connection


Here the SCL means Serial Clock sends the clock signal for the Slave devices from the Master devices.

SDA means Serial Data sends the Data or Information either from the Master to the Slave or also from the slave to the master.

GND means ground this is the common ground signal for all the microcontroller that is present in this Protocol.

Step 3: Arduino Code


This has the Code that needs to be uploaded to the Arduino

If you use more that one arduino Don't forget to comment the slave address because the slave address should be unique.

//Arduino code to receive I2C communication from Raspberry Pi
#include <Wire.h> // Define the slave address of this device. #define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x04 //Arduino 1 // #define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x05 //Arduino 2 // #define SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x06 //Arduino 3 // string to store what the RPi sends String str_recieved_from_RPi = ""; void setup() { // setup the LED pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // begin running as an I2C slave on the specified address Wire.begin(SLAVE_ADDRESS); // create event for receiving data Wire.onReceive(receiveData); } void loop() { // nothing needed } void receiveData(int byteCount) { while ( Wire.available()) { str_recieved_from_RPi += (char)Wire.read(); } // turn on or off the LED if (str_recieved_from_RPi == "on") { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); } if (str_recieved_from_RPi == "off") { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); } str_recieved_from_RPi = ""; }

Step 4: Raspberry Pi Code


Make your you have latest Debian version installed in your Pi,

Else download it from here.

# Raspberry Pi to Arduino I2C Communication 
# Python Code import smbus # Slave Addresses for Arduinos ARDUINO_1_ADDRESS = 0x04 # I2C Address of Arduino 1 ARDUINO_2_ADDRESS = 0x05 # I2C Address of Arduino 2 ARDUINO_3_ADDRESS = 0x06 # I2C Address of Arduino 3 # Create the I2C bus I2Cbus = smbus.SMBus(1) aSelect = input("Which Arduino (1-3): ") bSelect = input("On or Off (on/off): ") if aSelect == 1: SlaveAddress = ARDUINO_1_ADDRESS elif aSelect == 2: SlaveAddress = ARDUINO_2_ADDRESS elif aSelect == 3: SlaveAddress = ARDUINO_3_ADDRESS else: # quit if you messed up quit() # also quit if you messed up if bSelect != "on" or bSelect != "off": quit() BytesToSend = ConvertStringsToBytes(bSelect) I2Cbus.write_i2c_block_data(SlaveAddress, 0x00, BytesToSend) print("Sent " + SlaveAddress + " the " + bSelect + " command.") # This function converts a string to an array of bytes. def ConvertStringToBytes(src): converted = [] for b in src: converted.append(ord(b))

return converted

Step 5: Play


Power Up the Devices

Enter the Arduino address in the Raspberry Pi and watch that Arduino's LED glows.

If you any trouble feel free to comment below.