Photopea LoT Project

by AvacadoSeaF in Circuits > Assistive Tech

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Photopea LoT Project

DC's Legends Of Tomorrow new Intro (New Opening Theme)

This project is my Photopea Tutorial Project. With this project I will explain step by step what I did to get the finishing product. Hopefully you will be able to recreate it.



The first thing I did was I choose the background I wanted. I ended up choosing this one. I thought to myself what I should do for it. I ended up doing a "poster"/"background" with almost every character (hero) from one of my favorite shows Legends of Tomorrow if you couldn't already tell.


Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 11.06.50 AM.png

The next thing I did was download all the images necessary for it. Then I opened up Photopea. I hit the New project button, then I typed in the title of my project (I titled it LoT), next I choose a size and hit create. Finally going from the last step I inserted the background.



I ended up opening more tabs and put each character in one of them. The photos above are the ones I used for the project. I wasn't able to include all of them because some of them weren't the photo type allowed. So from left to right we have Gary, Mick (Heat Wave), Snart (Captain Cold), Mona, I wasn't able to include the original picture of Ava but there's that one instead, Behrad, John Constantine, Martin and Jax (Firestorm), Nate (Steel), Charlie (Clotho), Zari, and Ray (Atom). I was unable to include Sarah (White Canary), Norah, and Amaya.

Magnetic Lasso

Screenshot 2021-03-05 at 11.37.52 AM.png

The next step I did was I used the magnetic lasso on all of the characters. On the far left side on your screen you should see a dashed rectangle. Click on the rectangle and there should be a dropdown box with magnetic lasso at the end. Hit the button and start dragging it around the character. The character in this photo is Amaya (Vixen) I was unable to include her on the last slide.

Copy and Paste

Screenshot 2021-03-04 at 10.12.04 AM.png

The next thing I did was copy and pasted each character onto the background which was on a different tab. Here are some in progress photos of each character being pasted. Here I have added Sarah (White Canary), Ray (Atom), Norah, and Nate (Steel). I had decided to go with a pyramid viewing thing. I didn't plan this out ahead of time so I kinda just winged it. I knew that I wanted to put Sarah at the top of the pyramid though mainly because she is the captain of the time ship.

Final Product

Screenshot 2021-03-04 at 11.56.24 AM.png

After I pasted each photo, it added a layer. When I clicked on that layer I was able to edit the character. So after I pasted each character I used the eraser tool to get rid of extra parts of the photo that weren't wanted. This is the final product.