Photo Shooting Game

by deepak_e4d in Living > Video Games

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Photo Shooting Game

Screenshot from 2015-08-28 17:23:59.png

I am just beginning to learn Scratch Programming, hence I have remixed the original Ghost Shooting game to Photo Shooting Game to make something personal and interactive. Here is my game, feel free to play!

Maker : Deepak
Location : Banjaraplya E4D Makerspace

I did this photo shooting game in Banjaraplya E4D Makerspace.

Choose Your Own Backgound

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:43:13.png

Choose your own background.

Click data -->points then--> timer
in background put the
-->when green flag cliked --> set points to 0.

Put Photos for Each of the 2 Costume

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:46:57.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:47:08.png

Put your happy face photo for costume1.

Put the first photo program:

When green flag clicked --> switch costume to costume1--> show --> Forever-->move 10 steps

--> if on edge, bounce

Next program:

Put your crying face photo for costume2.

When space key pressed --> if --> this touching mouse-pointer -->switch costume to costume 2 -->Wait 3 secs

--> change points by 11

Put the 2nd Person Photo

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:29:36.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:29:49.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:31:03.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:30:51.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:30:29.png
Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:30:12.png

Put your happy face photo for costume1.
Put the first photo program:

When green flag clicked --> switch costume to costume1--> show --> Forever-->move 10 steps --> if on edge, bounce

Next program:

Put your crying face photo for costume2.

When space key pressed --> if --> this touching mouse-pointer -->switch costume to costume 2 -->Wait 3 secs --> change points by 11

Similarly, program the next 2 character photos.

Draw a Gun Pointer

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 14:36:11.png

Draw a gun draw a Circle and draw a Straight line in center and draw a sleeping line make program put

--> when green flag clicked --> forever --> go to mouse-pointer

Put Gameover

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 14:36:26.png

Lets make programing of gameover put data timer --> when greenflage clicked -->hide--> set timer to 30

--> repeat 30 -->wait 1 sece -->change time by-1 -->show -->stop all.

Put You Win

Screenshot from 2015-09-02 13:35:03.png

Put you win when you win the game -->when green flag clicked -->hide -->repeat 10 -->wait 1 sece -->show -->stop all . Ineed suggestions to fix the program, so that You Win only comes when the user actually kills all pictures.