Phone Charger With Power Bank

I chose to make a phone charger, with a grippy wrap around the cord the holds shape as well is very grippy to many different surfaces. The power bank it comes with is very small and battery powered by rechargeable batteries with 10-12 hours of battery life. This would be more than enough battery life for convenient easy use. Along with the improved user-friendly charging cord the battery pack itself is very light and easy to carry around. This portable phone charger is lightweight and has a reinforced cord that holds the shape well, making this a good product.

Needed is a power bank with at enough milliamps to power the bank and phone without problem. Then you will need a charging cord, preferably a high quality one that holds its shape.

Remaking a phone charger that can connect to about anything can be difficult as it needs to be better than an original phone charger. This one however can stick to most surfaces or any soft fabrics, as there is a super grippy wrap around the wire. The cord will be lightweight but very grippy on most household objects.
Constraints would be to create something original as the phone charger has been a thing since phones. As well as keeping the overall design improved from the original.
“What phone cords last longest?” - Consumer Report
“What materials make up a data cable?” - TopCentral
Getting a Power Bank

First step would be to find an appropriate power supply, the recommended milliamps for a phone charger is between 1000mAh and 20,000mAh. Since the average phone battery holds 300mAh of charge it would be better the bigger the power supply for more charges.
Plug and Play

Now that we have the power supply we can plug in the cord as well as the battery's. The cord comes with the brick and will be the primary selling point, the highly durable rubber cord will be sought after. Since it holds its shape and it naturally strong in its design.
Good Batteries

Good batteries is just as important as a good power supply, choosing the right battery with enough power and life span is equally important to finding a power supply with enough charge to go round.