Pesto Zoodles
Enjoy this super quick & super fresh recipe to welcome Spring! Perfect for people on low-carb diets, paleo/primal diets, and overall healthy people!
Spiralize 2-3 zucchini depending on the size. Use the wider setting if you have an option to. I used the Vegetti to spralize in the video. Set aside
- 1/2-1 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
- 2 bunches of Basil, stems removed
- 1/4 cup blanched unsalted almonds
- splash of vinegar or lemon juice
- Sun-dried tomato, optional garnish
Add all ingredients to a food processor and turn on low, drizzle in
olive oil slowly until it forms a thin/medium consistency sauce. Not too runny but not too solid. Toss pesto over zoodles and sprinkle with sun-dried tomato slices. This will pair well with chicken & seafood.