Personalized Day/Bug Out/I.N.C.H. Bag

by Skwurlito in Outside > Survival

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Personalized Day/Bug Out/I.N.C.H. Bag

There are many reasons to make one of the listed bags. Preparation for a camping trip or a situation that requires evacuation should be prepared for. Please note that the I.N.C.H. bag is an absolute last resort. As in enemies of the nation are invading. There are thousands of guides for these bags but only a percentage of them directly cover personalizing the kit. There are also pre made kits. I don't recommend this option, they aren't very well built for any one individual. Strongly consider weight and size of everything. On the note of personalization, the first thing I'll cover is the first aid kit as it's the most personal. Oh! Don't forget the pets:

Most pics from Google Images. I pack all my stuff in the frame depicted, though it'll fit in or on the camp school pack I keep in it. I got the frame for elk hunting. These items are useless unless you know how to use them. PRACTICE!
This Instructible is intentionally left dry. Enough info to inspire imagination. If you have no imagination, your chances of survival are minimal. My bag has a collapsible camp site in it.
I support constructive criticism and I'll answer any and all questions posted to the best of my abilities. On top of that, if I don't know I'll research the topic in order to answer. Pick my brain!!! I find it mentally stimulating.

First Aid Kit

The first aid kit should be stored in a small, waterproof or water repellant container. The absolute first thing you add is enough of your prescriptions to last the specified amount of time. 1 day, 3 day or in the case of an I.N.C.H. bag slowly switch the the natural alternative. Please note, there is always a natural alternative that drug doctors will say won't work. do some research on the topic from multiple sources. Next add things like knee braces as needed. Next are the recommended bandages of various sorts, blood clotter, calamine lotion or bite kit, antiseptic and a means to close the skin. Tweezers and scissors may be added.
My first aid kit contains various cloth Band-Aids, gauze, self adhering bandage, super glue, a benedril stick, cayenne powder (blood clotter), tea tree essential oil as and antiseptic mix with olive oil so i don't burn my skin and a tampon for potential bullet wounds. Women should carry more than one tampon for feminine needs.
My kit fits in my hand and sits in a mini belt mounted backpack similar to the one depicted.
Please note, when using cayenne, spread powder in wound, wait for bleeding to stop and rinse wound with cold, preferably clean water to stop the burning. This burns like hell.

Survival Kit

You should store your survival kit as you did the first aid kit. Any and all survival kits should revolve around the "Ten Essentials" as this kit has been tested by time.
The Ten Essentials are as follows:
1. MAP of intended area, preferably topographical
3. SUNGLASSES and other sun protection if you so desire
4. EXTRA CLOTHES such as a skivvy roll
5. LIGHT such as a crank light
6. FIRST AID KIT, some misc medical supplies
7. FIRE STARTER fire steel or flint
8. MATCHES all weather
9. KNIFE folding knife, combat knife or karambit
10. EXTRA FOOD three days worth
It is possible to upgrade or make additions but this kit has been tested by time. Practice its use and restock as needed. Consider adding a space blanket.


You should Cary two canteens filled with drinkable water. when one empties start your search for more. For a B.O.B. or I.N.C.H. bag you should consider a collapsible water jug. as for procuring the water you should carry a filter whether it be a fine weave clothe or a filter. you may wish to acquire a container to boil water or water tablets. I use a Sawyer purifier and the canteen depicted above.
Please note that filters must filter to .1 micron or you'll have to purify it further. The ever so popular Life Straw does not filter out micro bacteria or chemical contaminants and only filters to .2 microns. It is in their disclaimer. The Sawyer system, however, does filter out the bacteria and chemicals.
Water is of greater concern than food. you can survive roughly 3 days without water while the record time for fasting is around a year. Do not eat without a good supply of water. Digestion dehydrates you.


Aside from your survival kit, a good lighter or two, maybe even a tinderbox is suggested. Practice building a fire under all weather situations in the intended area. You also want to practice shielding match flames from wind. You may also want to make or acquire a hobo stove.
My hobo stove depicted above and is made from a tin can with a flat blade screwdriver and pry bar(made at home where I had very limited tools). It produces a good flame and lots of heat from mere kindling. Instructible for hobo stove (this guy knows his s***):


This is a heated topic. there are a wide variety of backpacking tents and such. I personally use a cot and a goretex bivvy sack with a heavy duty, grommeted space blanket staked to the ground. I also use a medium weather sleeping bag and a sleeping/yoga mat. Do not sleep on the ground, I did many times and all the blankets in the world couldn't keep me warm without at least one on the ground. I chose medium weather for the weight. the blanket, bivvy and space blanket weigh less and take up less space than severe cold bags and do just as well. Your shelter should be compact, lightweight and suitable for your situation. The cot in the picture is what I use but mine is blue.

Food Procurement

The food in your survival kit should be rationed. You can pack a fishing kit, they make telescopic and multi purpose fishing poles but they tend to be flimsy. You may consider snares as well or a small crawfish trap. In my state, trapping crawfish requires no license. In a camping trip or bug out situation it is a good idea to keep an updated annual fishing and small game license. In the case of invasion, I don't think it'll matter. You should keep a spork and mess kit. I have the Coleman mess kit popularized by boy scouts. A P38 is recommended as well but I don't suggest you carry much canned food, if any. Instructible for hobo fishing kit:

Clothing and Weather Gear

OK, for a day bag or a B.O.B. a skivvy role or two (depicted above), a good hoodie and a rain poncho will be quite effective. For I.N.C.H. you want a weeks worth of clothing to avoid doing laundry in the nearby creek constantly. If you live in a windy area you may consider a wind breaker and a shamagh. The shamagh is also great for keeping the sun off you and blowing dust or snow off your face. you will want a light jacket to wear under the wind breaker. for cold weather layers are more effective than a heavy jacket. Boots and clogs are a good idea. Break in the boots to avoid pain and blisters. Gloves or mittens are a good idea as well. In cold weather, keep your neck, wrists and ankles sheltered as well as your hands and feet. These points are often neglected. a beanie to keep your head warm.
I keep a good hoodie and a poncho on me in cold weather. Yes, a poncho, like what the Mexicans wore in early america days. I've worn this combo in the negatives with gusting winds of 40mph+. Ponchos are also good for keeping the sun off you. I have a military style rain poncho as well.

Tools and Weapons

OK in a day bag or a bug out bag I see no need for more than one firearm. They're heavy and the ammo is heavy. my S.K.S. (depicted above in friends messy house) weighs like 14lbs. I would recommend a pistol. I own a Taurus Judge that is a great multi use weapon. shoots 410 and .45LC. A good fighting knife such as a karambit (Hawkbill) can be deadly with little or no training. I used an instructible to make the paracord sling above. It sits in the waist pocket of my pack when I'm not practicing. A multi tool is a must have. For an I.N.C.H. bag you may consider a good (and I mean good) crescent wrench, a 6 in one screwdriver and a set of side cutters (dykes). Stanley, Crapsman, Strap-On and any high quality tool brand will do. I also have a white wax wood bo and know how to use it. I have a collapseable shovel, a machete and a Crapsman hatchet as well. Should you choose to bring a firearm, make a cleaning kit. An Ible can be found on my profile that goes into detail. Bring your preferred religious writings to boost moral. Instructible for sling:


Felt I should add this section. This is down to preference. The native went skinny dipping every couple days and about once a week had a steam bath. If you don't eat a lot of sugary foods you don't need tooth paste. Just scrub your teeth after a meal and poke around with a toothpick. Artificial soaps attract insect. Deodorant attracts insect. For shaving, get a good 8000 grit stone and a straight razor. the only advantage to modern razors is no sharpening just fill the manufacturers pockets by replacing them. For lube you can use a soap bowl and some shaving soap (bugs) or make lye/fat soap which is antimicrobial. I use wooden combs. You can learn to shave with a straight razor with this PDF: