Personalized Clay Keychains
For this project you will need:
1. 1 pound of clay
2. A rolling pin (or a can)
3. A smoothing tool (or a plastic card)
4. A carving tool (or skewer stick)
5. A knife tool (or a butter knife)
6. A paintbrush
7. Water
8. White vinegar
9. A plastic bag
Gather Your Clay
Ball up one pound of clay onto your work surface
Roll Out the Clay
Roll the clay out evenly into a slab, leaving it to be about an inch or so thick
Store Until Leather Hard
Using a thin plastic bag, wrap the clay somewhat tightly for about 24-48 hours or leave in it the sun for about 15-30 minutes until you can press your finger onto the clay without damaging it
Outline Your Shape
For a slab keychain, outline your desired shape but do not trim off the rest of the clay (further in this tutorial there will be other methods / designs for more keychains)
Carve Your Design
Taking a carving tool, lightly trace the design you want
Clean It Up
Take a dry paintbrush to brush off any crumbs that form & then wet the brush to smooth the clay further
Final Touches
Poke a hole using the back of the paintbrush to your desired size & allow the slab to toughen up a bit more, then you can trim off the excess, clean up the carving a bit more, & wait for the keychain to dry completely
An Alternative Shape / Method
Using the excess clay, create another keychain!
Create a Shape
Use a knife tool to cut out a shape
Score & Slip
Use a knife or carving tool to create a bunch of X's into the clay, then add white vinegar to both pieces
Glue the Pieces
Push the pieces together & smooth them with either a tool, card, or your finger
Add Your Design
Poke a hole, smooth down the surface again, & carve your design, cleaning up with the past noted methods
Allow to Dry
Dry in a protected storage area until color lightens & clay is firm (you can paint them later too)
Yet Another Method / Design
1 style is going to a circular key chain while the other will be an actual ball shape, for now just gather smaller balls of clay
Create the Shape
Push down on the clay directly in the middle, the work outwards until your desired shape / thickness is achieved & be sure to smooth down the surface
Add Your Design
Poke a hole in the clay, add your design, clean up if necessary, & allow to dry
Create a Rounded Shape
Using a smaller ball of clay, create a 3D shape of any item you want
Add a Piece of Clay to Stabilize
Since this shape does not really allow a hole to be poked in it, take some clay & form it into a rectangle shape, scoring & slipping it onto the rounded piece of clay (remember to push the pieces together and smooth out the edges if necessary)
Add Your Design
Poke a hole in the attached piece of clay, add your desired design, & allow for the keychain to dry!