"Perpetual" Wristwatch

The simple and "Perpetual" WristWatch(project code name "LumiTime") with 12 red LEDs, it have LIR2430 Li-Ion battery and 12 solar cells, based on a simple Microchip microcontroller ATtiny13. It full open source(firmware and hardware).
Video demonstration:
How it's work?
Every 0.5 sec CPU wake up(cycle iteration time 100 nS) and increase milliseconds value and go to the sleep mode(3-5 uA). Wristwatch have one button "NOW" and 12 LED, if you push the button - show times on LEDs in the next algorithm - first, show hours(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc....) and second is show minutes with 5 min. accuracy(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 etc....), show 0.5 sec to the hours and 0.5 for minutes -> sleep mode again.

PCB have size 35 mm in the diameter. The thickness of the board is recommended to take 0.8mm otherwise it may not fit into the case.

It's have simple schematic, for save pins I used Charlieplexing(35 components in total):
In this project i use for charging 12 light sensor BPW34S, on clear sun one cell make 0.5-0.6 V and ~2 mA, connect its in serial and make simply charging schematic - use 2 components, ZD1 to drop voltage 6 -> 4.7 V and make protection to leakage of current in solar panels in to diode D1 name LL4148(because it have little reverse current).
The diode add 0.7 volts drop(4.7-0.7=4.0V) and battery don't overcharge up to 4 V.
How to Flash ATtiny

Here is pinout for AVR ISP programmer - unsolder battery and power up 3V pins to programmer 5V, MI->MISO programer(Arduino digital Pin 11), MO->MOSI(digital Pin 12), CK->SCK(digital Pin 13) RS->Reset(digital Pin 10) and GD-> programmer GND.
How to flash ATtiny13 with Arduino:
ATtiny13 core selections:
- Board: ATtiny 13
- BOD: BOD Disabled
- Clock: 1.2 MHz internal osc.
- Compiler LTO: Enable
- Port: (Your Arduino port)
- Programmer: Arduino as ISP
Source Code

Source code(for Arduino IDE - "12LEDWachATtiny13.ino") here:
This project full open source(PCB and code):
Our Mission and Vision
"To develop a straightforward and eco-friendly watch that integrates innovative technologies with minimal components, ensuring energy efficiency is within reach for all.".
"We aim to achieve a world where energy-saving technology is accessible to everyone, where our watch serves as a symbol of environmental stewardship and innovative solutions in energy efficiency."