Perfect Figure Using Simple MATH(and Tinkercad)

by heamou8801 in Craft > Digital Graphics

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Perfect Figure Using Simple MATH(and Tinkercad)


using math, people can solve a TON of problems. for example, 10=1+9, 2+8, 3+7.......but we're not here to talk about that nonsence. in this project, we're going to use math to build a perfect figure through tinkercad.


your handy computer and a tinkercad account.

Set the Limit

화면 캡처 2021-10-11 221817.png

let's measure it out: first, let's make a box that is exactly 50/50/50 large. this creates the limit of our figure.

Measuring the Height

화면 캡처 2021-10-11 222554.png

time to measure out the size. i set the body in three parts: the legs(green), body and arms(blue), and the head(yellow). the head needed to be smaller then the first two parts, so i divided the height to 20(legs)-20(body and arms)-10(head). the width was decided to be 15.

Measuring the Arms

화면 캡처 2021-10-11 222914.png

for the measure of the arms, i decided to set the arms the half size of the body. this gave the whole figure the size of 50/30/50(one arm: 20/7.5/50.

Measuring the Width

화면 캡처 2021-10-11 223817.png

we now only have to set the wide body into a normal state. i thought the arm's sizes should be the main width, so i set it to 7.5.

Final Measurement of the Head

화면 캡처 2021-10-11 224145.png

now that the head looks kinda wide, let's set it down to half the width of the body.


화면 캡처 2021-10-11 224710.png

wow! look at all that math we've done! and now we have a nice-looking figure that's simular to a real person! customizing this handy technique, you can make more versions of figures.