Pellet or Bullet Trap

What I will demonstrate in this Instructable is the construction of my version of a pellet or bullet trap I read about at the Pyramyd Air web site. The builder of the original modestly calls his version "The World's Best Pellet Trap. Not having seen all possible pellet traps I can't verify this claim, but the one I made works very well and costs almost nothing. You can view the article about the original here:

Cardboard box. The one I used is 12" x 8" x 8"
2 flat cardboard solid panels to fit the open ends of the cardboard box. The panels I used are 11 3/4" x 7 3/4"
Clear packing tape. Any type of tape could be used, from masking tape to duct tape. I used what I had handy.
Garden mulch. The mulch illustrated here is wood mulch. It cost me about $3.50 for a 2 cubic foot bag at Home Depot and is by far the least expensive type. It works fine for air gun pellets, both .177 and .22. If you are building a bullet trap for firearms I would suggest using rubber mulch, which is shredded automotive tires (tyres). The wood mulch trap did not stop .22 Long Rifle bullets, but the rubber mulch trap did. Rubber mulch cost me $7.95 for a .8 (8/10) cubic foot bag at Home Depot.
Fold and Tape One End of the Box. Put in One of the Flat Cardboard Panels.

Fill the Box With Garden Mulch, Add Second Panel, Tape Box Closed

Once the box is closed, I attach a target to one end pf the bullet trap with tacks and begin target practice.