Pc Build

Saftey and Supplies

*get the cpu/cpu fan, motherboard with all the cords, ram, ssd, power supply, computer case and the stuff already inside the case.
*get a screwdriver and the screws are all in the boxes that you need
Putting in All the Components in the Pc

*test the components by plugging them into each other and jumping it with a screw driver. Use the steps below to figure out how to plug in the Cpu and other components.
*Take off the back case
*install the power supply with screws
*put the cables in the hole at the top where you install the power supply.
*take out the cpu, take the plastic thing off the cpu bracket, open up the cpu bracket then put the cpu inside by lining up the triangles on the ends of each, you don’t need to apply pressure to the cpu, just drop it in. then close the bracket and lock it in place
*install the fan by putting all the pins clock wise then push down on two opposite pins in each side into the holes by the cpu and then plug in the fan connected to the cpu fan connector on the motherboard
*install the ssd drive by hooking it into the m.2 slot and then screw the little screw into the other side
*install the ram by opening the ram clips, make sure the ram is lined up by using the ram slot notches in the bottom of the slot and then click it in by pressing on both sides of the ram
*screw in more standoff holes by where you put in the mother board and screw it in with a special tool that comes with it
*get the io shield and push it into the spot we’re the io shield should be and to make sure it’s in right out it on the motherboard to see if it’s the right way
*put in the motherboard by screening it into the stand-off holes and make sure it fits into the io shield
*plug in the 24 pin and 4/8 pin from the power supply to the motherboard and plug in the three cables, that were inside were you put in the power supply when your first opened your case
*plug in the black fan that’s in the side of the case into a fan plug
*plug in the black power cord into the back of the pc and a power outlet