Paste Waxing a Car
Ever wondered how to paste wax a car properly? Some people may think waxing their car is a simple and straight forward process, but it can be a little more complex than one may think. Waxing a car can do two things. First would be to protect the paint on the car. The second would be to make the car shine. Somethings to buy before waxing would include a microfiber towel or car shammy, microfiber spreader, and the paste wax itself.
Microfiber towel or car shammy, microfiber spreader, and the paste wax itself.
Step 1: Wash the Car or Truck
Step 1 of waxing a car would be to wash the car and remove all the dust and dirt contaminants on the car. Washing the car will eliminate the chances of possibly scratching the paint or trapping the dust or dirt under the wax coat on the car.
Step 2: Start Applying Wax to the Car
After the car is washed, get a little bit of paste wax on a microfiber spreader and begin applying to the car. Rub the spreader in a small circular motion to get the best results. Applying paste wax can take some time, make sure to rub the wax fully into the car. Avoid waxing the trim around the windows, also avoid the windshield and the glass. Wax can be hard and painful to come off and both of these could possibly result in staining the trim or windows on the car. Continuous reapply until the whole car has had wax applied to it. After the wax has been applied let the car sit in the shade on a warmer day for the wax to fully absorb for about 2 hours. Avoid driving the car in this time.
Step 3: Rinse Off the Car or Truck
The final step in this process would to spray the car off with some water. Then get a car shammy or microfiber towel and dry off the car to get the full effect of the wax which as before will protect the paint and make the car shine.