Password Program

by AxBite in Circuits > Computers

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Password Program


This is a pretty simple program that uses the CommandPromt (CMD). This program let you access passwords fast and easy. This is fairly safe because it does'nt use any online service, so you can use it offline!

Hope you like both the tutorial and the program, because it took some time to make

Turning a .txt File Into .bat

.txt 2.png

If you already know this part skip it.

Open your .txt document then choose File -> Save As -> Just add .bat on the name of the file. You can change it if you want!

Editing the File


Now you should see that your file has transformed into this weird thing with gears on it. Right click the file and press the second option (picture)

Some Coding!


Now we will start with the commands

@echo off

color a

Coding :D

Kodning 2.png


echo enter password to activate program

set/p "pass=>"

if NOT "%pass%"== "PASSWORD" goto :FAIL

goto :success


Kodning 3.png


echo invalid password.

goto :A

Echo you got the right password!

Much Coding

Kodning 4.png

Here comes a long one


Echo enter command if you need help type help!

set/p "command=>"

if "%command%"== "end" goto :end

if "%command%"== "END" goto :end

if "%command%"== "add" goto :add
if "%command%"== "help" goto :help
if "%command%"== "list" goto :list
if "%command%"== "ADD" goto :add
if "%command%"== "HELP" goto :help
if "%command%"== "LIST" goto :list
if exist %command%. goto :show

echo invalid command or Site

goto :again

Another Looong One!

Kodning 5.png


echo enter name of site

set/p "site_name=>"
if exist %site_name%.
goto :site_exists

echo enter password

set/p "site_password=>"

echo enter username
set/p "site_username=>"
echo site name: %site_name% > %site_name%.
echo username: %site_username% >> %site_name%.
echo password: %site_password% >> %site_name%.
goto :again

A Short One

Kodning 6.png


echo --------------------------------------------------

dir /B *.

echo --------------------------------------------------

goto :again

A Bit Loong

Kodning 7.png

echo --------------------------------------------------

echo * add/ADD - Adds an website, password and username!

echo * end/END - Stop the program

echo * help/HELP - This page!

echo * list/LIST - Lists all the websites, not passwords!

echo * "website" - write website and the username and password shows up!

echo --------------------------------------------------

goto :again

The Last One

Kodning 8.png


echo --------------------------------------------------

type %command%.

echo --------------------------------------------------

goto :again

if "%end%"== "end" goto :end

if "%end%"== "END" goto :end

