Parking Project! With Servo Motor

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Parking Project! With Servo Motor


Parking project! With servo motor and a buzzer


Your going to need.

Servo motor 1x

Red led 2x

Yellow led 1x

Green led 2x

Push button 1x

Buzzer 1x

wires 5x

breadboard 1x

4x 10k ohm resistors


Connect the Buzzer:

Position the buzzer component on the breadboard as shown below: It has two pins: a positive pin and a negative pin, though for most positive programs it will be marked with a ‘+’ or a longer pin.

Denote the powre rail (5V) and connect the positive pin of the buzzer to it.

Ensure that the negative pin of the buzzer is connected to the ground rail of the circuit (GND).

Connect the Push Button:

(Ensure that the push button is placed in such a way that it connects the middle gap of the breadboard.)

connect one end of the push button to the positive rail (5V).

connect the other end of the push button to an empty row of the breadboard.

Connect a resistor (10k ohms) between the empty row and the ground rail (GND).


Connect the LEDs:

Connect the Red LED to the breadboard as shown below Shape the Circuit as shown. The anode or a longer leg of the battery must be placed in a different row as compared to the cathode or a shorter one.

Connect a resistor (10k ohms) between the row of the anode and an unused row of the circuit board.

connect a wire from the resistor row to the positive terminal

The next step is to connect the cathode of the led to the ground rail or the negative power source as it is also referred to.

Perform the same operations for the Green and Yellow LEDs as has been accomplished for the Red LED above.


From the code, you can find that, one end of wire should connect with a certain number pin on Arduino, and the other end of wire should connect with certain place on breadboard which the component (e.g. LED or buzzer) get their power.

For instance:

If you linked the buzzer to module 10 on the Arduino board, the positive pole of the wire should be connected to the hole on the breadboard 10A while the negative pole of the wire should be connected to the hole that connect to the positive of the 5V pin of buzzer.


#include <Servo.h>

int seconds = 0;

int carCount = 0; // number of cars

int totalSlots = 4; // total parking slots

int greenIn = 7; // green light for going in

int redIn = 6; // red light for going in

int greenOut = 1; // green light for going out

int redOut = 0; // red light for going out

int amber = 13; // orange/amber light

Servo barrierServo; // create servo object to control a servo

int incomingSensor = 8; // incoming sensor

int buzzer = 10; // buzzer pin

int incomingState, outgoingState;

void setup() {

 barrierServo.attach(9); // attach servo to pin 9

 barrierServo.write(0); // barrier down

 pinMode(incomingSensor, INPUT); // incoming sensor

 pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // buzzer

 pinMode(greenIn, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(redIn, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(greenOut, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(redOut, OUTPUT);

 pinMode(amber, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

 // Set initial state of lights

 digitalWrite(redIn, HIGH);  // Red light for incoming cars

 digitalWrite(greenIn, LOW);  // Green light for incoming cars (initially off)

 digitalWrite(greenOut, LOW); // Green light for outgoing cars (initially off)

 digitalWrite(redOut, HIGH);  // Red light for outgoing cars

 digitalWrite(amber, LOW);   // Amber light (initially off)

 incomingState = digitalRead(incomingSensor); // Read incoming sensor state

 // If incoming cars are detected and outgoing cars are not, process incoming cars

 if (incomingState == HIGH && outgoingState == LOW) { // going in

  if (carCount < totalSlots) { // If there are available parking slots

   openBarrier(); // Open the barrier

   buzz(500); // Buzz for 0.5 seconds

   digitalWrite(redIn, LOW); // Turn off red light for incoming

   digitalWrite(greenIn, HIGH); // Turn on green light for incoming

   digitalWrite(greenOut, HIGH); // Turn on green light for outgoing (for visibility)

   digitalWrite(redOut, LOW); // Turn off red light for outgoing

   digitalWrite(amber, HIGH); // Turn on amber light

   carCount++; // Increment car count

   delay(4000); // Barrier up time is 4 seconds

   closeBarrier(); // Close the barrier




 // If outgoing cars are detected and incoming cars are not, process outgoing cars

 if (incomingState == LOW && outgoingState == HIGH) { // going out

  if (carCount > 0) { // If there are cars in the parking lot

   openBarrier(); // Open the barrier

   buzz(500); // Buzz for 0.5 seconds

   digitalWrite(redIn, HIGH); // Turn on red light for incoming

   digitalWrite(greenIn, LOW); // Turn off green light for incoming

   digitalWrite(greenOut, LOW); // Turn off green light for outgoing

   digitalWrite(redOut, HIGH); // Turn on red light for outgoing

   digitalWrite(amber, HIGH); // Turn on amber light

   carCount--; // Decrement car count

   delay(2000); // Barrier up time is 2 seconds

   closeBarrier(); // Close the barrier

   incomingState = 0; // Reset sensors

   outgoingState = 0;



 // If both sensors are triggered simultaneously, close the barrier after a delay

 else if (outgoingState == HIGH && incomingState == HIGH) { // both sensors triggered

  closeBarrier(); // Close the barrier

  delay(2000); // Delay for 2 seconds



// Function to open the barrier

void openBarrier() {

 barrierServo.write(90); // Move servo to lift the barrier (90 degrees)


// Function to close the barrier

void closeBarrier() {

 barrierServo.write(0); // Move servo to lower the barrier (0 degrees)


// Function to activate buzzer for a specified duration

void buzz(int duration) {

 digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH); // Turn on buzzer

 delay(duration); // Wait for specified duration

 digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW); // Turn off buzzer
