Parado-Asi (Pardox. Asi) Wearable Steampunk Style Spider

by JorvonM in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Parado-Asi (Pardox. Asi) Wearable Steampunk Style Spider


Enjoy wearables? Wanna make a wearable robot that fit not just on your shoulder but comfy on your head, PERFECT for parties cosplays and fun.

You can find the Files to Print on


3D printer
single Micro servo
Adafruit Power booster
Adafruit Trinket

Printing the Parts


Okay, first you're gonna need your parts. Most are printed but I also have some things I ordered from Amazon.

Gluing to Attach


The first thing I wanted to do was make the body, its made out of 3 parts all together, the bottom being the Magnet Cup then the Torso lastly the shoulder plate. since these parts are very small I had to glue them, I used Glue Gloop, its pretty strong and does not leave a stain on the part. I also put the servo in the holder before gluing.

picture of the Magnet cup and Torso Being glued together

To hold it all together in one piece. The rest is kinda like Legos. While this is glueing I say print out the legs and get them set up and ready for the body.

Leg Assembly

123795007_695931067965247_9100715718080915132_n_5wr1dNz5Bs (1).jpg

The legs are made out of multiple pieces. the move legs three parts the un moving ones two.

these are the legs that will Move.

More Assembly Acquired


If the glue ha dried you can attach these to the body, with one of the pulleys
It should look something like the photo above.This is also the perfect time to test the pully system. I attached the push and pull sticks to the servo arm this motion give the robot its spider movement.

This is how it should work.

Starting to Look Good.


The Pully system should look something like this

The Circuit


This is the Circuit I used to make the spider work, its the same circuit from Adafruits Zelda Guardian Robot
// Trinket Servo Monster sketch

// Hardware: Adafruit Trinket (3V or 5V), micro servo, LED + resistor // Libraries: uses Adafruit_TiCoServo library to manage servo pulses, // even though NeoPixels are NOT being used here.

#if !defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) #error "This code is for ATtiny boards" #endif #include #include

// Servo parameters. Pin MUST be 1 or 4 on a Trinket. Servo position // is specified in raw timer/counter ticks (1 tick = 0.128 milliseconds). // Servo pulse timing is typically 1-2 ms, but can vary slightly among // servos, so you may need to tweak these limits to match your reality. #define SERVO_PIN 4 // Pins 1 or 4 are supported on Trinket #define SERVO_MIN 4 // ~1 ms pulse #define SERVO_MAX 26 // ~2 ms pulse

#define LED_PIN 0 // "Eye" LED is connected here

Adafruit_TiCoServo servo;

void setup(void) { #if (F_CPU == 16000000L) // 16 MHz Trinket requires setting prescale for correct timing. // This MUST be done BEFORE servo.attach()! clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1); #endif servo.attach(SERVO_PIN); pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); }

uint32_t lastLookTime = 0; // Time of last head-turn

void loop(void) {

unsigned long t = millis(); // Current time

// If more than 1/2 second has passed since last head turn... if((t - lastLookTime) > 500) { if(random(10) == 0) { // There's a 1-in-10 chance... // ...of randomly moving the head in a new direction: servo.write(random(SERVO_MIN, SERVO_MAX)); lastLookTime = t; // Save the head-turn time for future reference } }

// Unrelated to head-turn check, if(random(10) == 0) { // there's a 1-in-10 chance... // ...of an "eye blink": digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // The LED turns OFF delay(random(50, 250)); // for just a short random moment digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // then back ON }

delay(100); // Repeat loop() about 10 times/second }

Circuit Tail


I put the Circuit in the tail, I kind of just squeezed them in there , and Just like that its done.

Its was a fun build please think about supporting me on patron and or Kofi