Paracord Elephant
Made out of all paracord
50 feet of paracord
Punch to help thread if needed
Needle and thread for eyes
start like this
Start with a cross knot. Go until it is about 1-1 1/2 inch long. Your going to make four total. Dont cut the extra length off!
Making the Body
place legs next to each other. Use all 8 cords to make another cross knot. Then pull tight. Add 3 shanks of 36 inche cord. Then go into a round braid. Refer to pictures for clarification.
when doing the round braid it is like the cross knot except with mor strings. Pictures for help are above. 11 rows of round braids make the body.
Cut 130 inches of cord into short lenghts. Then stuff it into the body of the elephant.
Closing in the Stuffing
divide the cords into 4 groups and do a cross knot.
Attaching Front Legs
Thread the front leg cords into your cross not of the body. Picture above.make all the legs on the sam side. Seperate cord into 4 groups again. And make another cross knot.
Making Head
Pick 2 cords from each group make a cross knot with these 8 cords. Pick 1 cord from each group and make a cross knot. Now repeat 10 times to make the trunk.
Making Ears
Make a flat braid.
Make a Tail
Make a loop and tie it to the end of the elephant.
Your Done
unless you want to stitch eyes on it. Melt and tuck the ends to hide them