Paracord Dispensing Water Bottle Holder (Just Pull As Much As You Need!)

by assemblyrequired in Outside > Survival

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Paracord Dispensing Water Bottle Holder (Just Pull As Much As You Need!)

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I'm sure you have seen plenty of guides on how you can make a paracord bracelet before. However, they are slow and cumbersome to unravel. Time is not something you have in an emergency, making those designs really more for aesthetics.

Paravival created the original quick release Paracord bracelet that can be unraveled in under 20 seconds, but those designs still do not give you enough paracord to do what you may need to in an emergency.

Belts are better, as they store more paracord, but having your pants falling down would make it difficult to help somebody. The final option is to coil the paracord and keep it in a pocket. However, there are flaws there as well- you need to take it out of your pocket and be sure it is stored in a way that won't tangle it. In addition, that takes up valuable storage space.

My solution does not have these issues. By creating the weave that I am using, I am able to keep a lot of paracord in one place (I think about 100 feet). In addition, it stays easily on the belt and is out of the way. Finally, my option does not take up your storage- it actually gives you more space by holding onto your water bottle.


The final product has only 550 Paracord. However, you may find it heplful to have...
- Tape, in order to hold the paracord in place
- A carabiner, in order to hold the loops in place and prevent the weave from coming undone (although you could use a stick, this is easier)
You will also need a water bottle (or something similar) to hold onto. Have a good idea of the size.

Staring With Some Slipknots

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This all starts with some slipknots. The slipknot is a fantastic knot to know, as it creates a loop that can be made easily and pulled undone. Use the photos for reference on how to make a slipknot, but I will try to type out what to do here:

  1. Take a section of the rope.
  2. Make it into a loop.
  3. Go around the loop to pull a loop from a seperate piece of the line through.
  4. Pull tight by puling the final loop and the two ends in opposite directions.

Again, use the photos for clarification, but hopefully the text will help. If you find the text confusing, ignore it.

Using the Slipknot

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Now that you know how to make a slipknot, here's how we will be using it:
Find the length of the water bottle, and double this length.Make the slipknot the length you just found. Make more slipknots that the same length, and make sure the slipknots are as close to each other as possible.

The amount of slipknots you need to make will depend on how much paracord you have, how thick the paracord is, and how wide the water bottle is. When loosely packed together, flat on the table, they should be as wide as the water bottle is. However, don't worry about the size too much. The weave will stretch, giving you plenty of room for the bottle.

And Now the Weave

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The weave is pretty simple.

  1. Pick a side that you will stick with throughout the entire process.
  2. Treating each loop as a single strand, go under, over, under, over, etc. until the loop has reached the opposite side. Be sure that you are not going through the loops.
  3. Pick the next loop that is furthest to the side you started on, and repeat the pattern of under, over, under, over, etc.

See this video for clarification of the weave:

Eventually, you will finish by going down the entire thing. When this happens, hold the remaining loops together. I used a carabiner, but it will be removed later.

Taking the Weave and Turning It Into a Pouch

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The next step is to take the flat woven piece and turn it into a pouch. This was done in a couple of steps.

  1. Fold the flat weave in half, giving the beginning of a pouch.
  2. Take the remaining paracord and turn it into a loop.
  3. Feed that loop through the gaps in the weave (being very careful not to go through one of the loops)

When one side was done, I moved around the bottom and continued the pattern on the other side.
When this was done, I fed the loop through the loops that the carabiner was going through, allowing me to remove the carabiner.

Removing the Excess

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The weave is now completed, but there is still some rope left over. I hate cutting rope (Because then it's shorter, and you can't undo it), but if you need to cut paracord, simply cut it clean with a knife and then seal the end using the flame of a lighter to melt it back together.

However, if you do not want to cut the rope, then there is a simple weave you can do to make a sort of fob that will come undone with one pull. I recommend making at least a small one of these, as it will allow you to find the end you need to pull.

To create this weave from the loop you have left over, follow the images or these instructions.

  1. Start with the loose end, and create a slipknot.
  2. Feed a loop of the wire through the loop created by the slipknot.
  3. Feed another loop through that loop.

And so on. If it is still too long, it is possible to repeat this, treating the weave as a single cord.


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So, now that all of the weaving is done, now what? Well, this device mounts onto your belt. In order to do that, we will take advantage of the preexisting weave rather than adding another. Simply give a few of the "over" weaves a good tug and pull the belt through. When this is done, you can slip your water bottle into position.

But what about turning it into rope? The big advantage of this design is that you pull and it dispenses the rope. Despite a minor snag (Which cost me about a second) and the cold weather (In the video you can see how red my hands are), I was able to dispense the rope until I was out. Check out this video to see what I mean:


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So there you have my design for a paracord dispensing water bottle holder. I hope you enjoyed, and be sure to leave me your thoughts, comments, and ideas. As always, Have a nice day!
