Paracord Guitar Strap CONCEPT - Work in Progress

by elliemae61 in Outside > Paracord

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Paracord Guitar Strap CONCEPT - Work in Progress

This is a test strip of what I am planning to do for a guitar strap for a friend. I saw the weave on a gun sling or belt with 4 cords with a single color. I have expanded it to 6 cords (my friend wants a 4" wide strap) with multiple colors.

As I started this I was reminded of making 'rag rugs' on my grandmothers loom as a child. This is where MOST of the work is going to come in. We will have to fuse together different colors. To make it easier to weave we will make several spools or shuttles of cord so I don't have this giant spool of cord and try to weave it between the cords. We are thinking this will be 4-5'in length.

We will be using my bag of scraps along with varying sizes of colors that he kind of wants the theme to be. Lots of fire, sunrise, reflective red, yellow, blue, and varying camo/snakeskin colors. The reflective colors will be great when he is on stage and lights hit the guitar strap.

This is going to be quite a project and I will update as I progress.

This is a very simple weave. You start on one side and weave your spool 2over then under, over, under till you get to the other side. Then do the same  going in the other direction. Continue going over/under over/under, go in the other direction until you have the desired length.

I used approximately 3.5 ft of cord for 3" of weave, that does not include the hitch cords. You could easily add a belt buckle. You will not be able to tighten up good until you have a few rows done. Make sure you tighten good or the 'hitch' will show, if you over tighten you will get uneven weave - evidence in my sample. LOL

We have to set a date for our 'fusing party' and he will be providing me with leather strap ends with 6 holes punched in each one.

If you decide to give this a try - please please post a pic and your experience doing this. It will be sometime before I complete this, but I was so thrilled with how the 'rag rug' concept turned out I wanted to post and share!!!