Paper Swan

In this project I’ll show you how to make a paper swan in 7 easy steps.
Square Paper (Origami if possible)

First you want to fold the paper in half diagonally to make an imprint on the paper, then open it back up.

For this next step you want to keep the paper diagonal like a diamond. Then take either corner, on the left or the right, and bring it to a perpendicular line with the crease so it looks like a kite.

Fold the paper again the same way as part two.

For step four you need to flip the bottom (or pointy) tip to the very top of the kite.

Take the tip that was folded over in step four and fold it to the new “bottom” of the kite. This will be the head/beak.

Put the neck and beak down to the body area and fold the entire thing in half from head to tail.

Pull the neck out and separate the sides, and you’ll have your finished product.