Paper Bag Popcorn

I'm surprised how many people don't know, you can make popcorn in a paper bag.
This is a healthier and more environmentally friendly alternative to store bought microwave popcorn.
With enough salt and butter, you can make it just as bad for you.
Paper bag
Microwave safe bowl and oven mitts
Serving bowl
Your favorite seasonings
Prep the Bag

You can use one bag. I use two because they last longer when reused.
My wife and I eat popcorn every evening, we get 10 to 15 uses out of a doubled bag.
When they develop a hole. You can pull the inner bag, turn it half a turn, and put it back in. This can get you a few more uses. When done, they go into the recycling bin. Those nasty store bought bags end up in the land fill.
Load and Close

I find that 1/4 cup of kernels works well in a regular sandwich bag.
Dump them in, fold the end over three times, and crease well.
You can fold once and use one staple without problems.
We reuse the bags so we don't want to staple them.
Microwave Ready

Each microwave is different. It may take a few tries to figure yours out. Ours works well when we use power level 8. It takes about 3.5 minutes to finish popping. We listen for the popping to slow down. Less than 6 seconds between pops, leaves a few un-popped kernels, but none burned.
Remove Carefully

Remove carefully, it gets hot.
Open and Dump

The bag isn't as hot as the bowl, but be careful.
There you have it. Lovely popped fluffy corn.
This can be enjoyed as is or, proceed to the next step.
Welcome to the Next Step.

This is where you get creative.
We drizzles ours with extra virgin olive oil, rather than butter. Pink Himalayan sea salt, and our own special spice mix, finishes it off nicely.
When I make my hot sauce, I dehydrate all the stuff that the sieve takes out. I grind it into powder and we use it. This time of year, we've used it all up, so we've had to become creative. Onion powder, our own garlic powder, our dried celeriac leaves, and some Franks powder. Yum!