Paper Airplane of the Future

This paper airplane was taught to me by my friend way back in elementary school. I have since perfected it and found new/alternative ways to be able to create it. The instructions I give are the ones that I found to work the best but i'm sure there are many other cool ways to create this version of a paper airplane.
- A4 Piece of paper
- Glue / Stapler / Paperclip
*in this tutorial I'll use glue to stick the edges of the tube together but in the video you'll see that you can do so using a stapler or paperclip as well.
Folding the Paper

I believe its best explained through the video but ill try to explain the instructions here.
- While the paper is infront of you horizontally fold it one time from top to bottom.
- Now create another fold that goes from the top of the paper again to the line of the previous fold we made
- Repeat step 2 this time with the newer fold we made
- At this point you should have 4 sections of paper
- Keep the paper folded with the smallest fold, and fold that one into itself so it goes to the bottom of the fold (it should be a thicker fold and quite skinny)
- Keep creating these tiny folds of the same size all the way down until the halfway fold that we created in the beginning.
Curving + Gluing

- After finishing all the folding we will now have the piece of paper folder into half with a very thick "lip" and we want to curve it
- You can do so by either going along the edge of the thick part with your fingers and slowly curving it inward Or my prefered method is to drag it tightly along the edge of a table until we naturally creaete a curved shape. Make sure that the thick part is facing the inside of the table/curve.
- After curving it we need to glue the two sides of the tube together, lift the lip of one of the side and insert the other side under the lifted lip. Put glue on this section of the paper to seal the two ends together
Flying and Enjoying
At this point you are done with the plane. When throwing it, make sure to give it a slight spin in your throw to help guide it and make it go further.