Pallet Wood Potato Tower Experiment. Increasing Organic Vegetable Yields. Tour a Pommes De Terre.

by Organikmechanic in Living > Gardening

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Pallet Wood Potato Tower Experiment. Increasing Organic Vegetable Yields. Tour a Pommes De Terre.

An experiment in organic potato production by using a more sophisticated 'earthing up' process. The greater soil depth in the tower provides more potato producing capacity for the area used. The theory is the stolons do not convert to (shaws) leaf producers if you cover them with soil. So you train some stolons horizontally, where there will be cutouts in the wall pieces - they convert to shaws and provide the food for the plants. Whereas, the other stolons continue upwards producing potatoes along the way. Growing in the 5 Euro/Dollar Greenhouse should mean you avoid the wind borne spores of potato blight and also protect against early frosts. Planting potatoes now should give you a crop in November.
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Une expérience - la production de pommes de terre biologiques en utilisant un processus de buttage plus sophistiqué. La plus grande profondeur du sol dans la tour offre une capacité de produire plus de pommes de terre pour la zone utilisée. Faire pousser les pommes de terre dans la serre devrait également arrêter les ravages des spores du mildiou, qui sont emportés par le vent.