Pakman's Shatter Knex Gun!

by pakman227 in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Pakman's Shatter Knex Gun!

Picture 135.jpg
Picture 136.jpg
the gun you've been hearing about is finaly here! Shatter! this gun is cocked in the picture, this is by far the best block trigger on the site!


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this is a first for me, but some time at 12 in the morning i said to myself why not make a knex gun that can be cocked with nothing exctruding from the gun! So within a half hour all the proper mods were attained and done!

The Handle Grips

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make two of these!

Structure of the Gun

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just start with two greys, then snap on the half moon peices to it then obiusly youll need the orange peices then, this part is finished!

next: heres were you attach the grips...

Rubber Band Placement

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well really theres no particular way to put the rubber bands, i used four, if you do it the way I did your gun will shoot through cardboard!