Pain Aux Oeufs Au Milieu Garnie De Fromage

by shodai-soke in Cooking > Breakfast

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Pain Aux Oeufs Au Milieu Garnie De Fromage

Finished serving.JPG
"Bread with egg in the middle", "Toad in a hole", "Bird in a nest", "Egg in a basket", whatever you call them, they are delicious - but let's take them to the next level!  Once you flip them over, top them with American cheese, and add cinnamon sugar to the cut circles!

American Cheese.jpg
Cooking Spray.jpg
Cinnamon Sugar.jpg
Assemble the ingredients:

Bread (2 slices per serving) of white, whole wheat, etc. to your taste
Spray Cooking Oil
Margarine (or sweet butter)
Pre-sliced American cheese (yellow or white, 2 per serving)
Large eggs (2 per serving)
Cinnamon Sugar

OptionaL - to taste:

(before topping with cheese)
black or white pepper
Cayenne pepper
garlic and/or onion powder
dill weed
sweet basil

(after cheese topping)
Dollop of Sour Cream
Russian dressing

Spray griddle with cooking spray.jpg
Cooking Spray cap.jpg
Cutting Board.jpg
Assemble the hardware:

Griddle (when cooking for three or more), or non-stick frying pan
Spatula (extra wide or long, easier to flip)
Wide plastic cap from Spray cooking oil can
Wood cutting board

Center cap on bread.JPG
Press cap into bread and twist.JPG
Remove cap from bread.JPG
Remove cut circle from cap.JPG
Arrange ingredients for griddle.JPG

Step One:

Preheat the griddle (if electric, set at 325 F.) or frying pan, so a drop of water will skittle across the surface (as though you were making pancakes).

Place a slice of bread on a wooden cutting board.  Place the Plastic cap from Spray cooking oil can in the center of the bread, with the opening facing the bread.  Gently but firmly press down on the top of the plastic cap from Spray cooking oil can, and twist it back and forth to cleanly cut the center of the bread.  Doing this compresses the edges of the cut circle, and forms a better seal for the egg to drop into.

Repeat this for all the bread slices that you are going to prepare.
Place the centers off to the side, stacking them; and stack the cut bread slices.

If the cheese is covered in plastic, remove the plastic, and place the cheese slice on the removed plastic, so that it is easy to pick up and place on the bread and egg. Repeat this for all the cheese to be used, stacking them alternately plastic then cheese.

Spray griddle with cooking spray.jpg
Place bread on griddle.JPG
Place pat of margarine into bread hole.JPG
Step Two:

Coat the surface of the griddle (or frying pan) lightly with the Spray Cooking Oil.
Coat the bottom of the bread slices with the Spray Cooking Oil, and arrange them (if cooking multiple slices on a griddle) with at least 1 inch between them (easier to flip).  Ensure that the flattened part of the hole is towards the griddle of frying pan surface.  Drop a pat (1/2 TBS) of margarine (or sweet butter) into the center hole.

Drop egg into bread hole over melted margarine.JPG
When egg whie turns white spray with cooking oil.JPG
Top of bread and egg covered with cooking spray.JPG
Egg with bread now flipped over.JPG
Top with cheese slice.JPG
Cheese starts to melt.JPG
Remove to plate where residual heat melts cheese.JPG
Step Three:

Once the margarine (or sweet butter) has melted, carefully drop an egg into the hole.  The margarine will be displaced to the sides by the egg, sealing the egg against the bread.

Repeat for all bread slices being prepared.  Once the egg white completely turns white in color (it was clear when you dropped it in), coat the top of the egg and bread with Spray Cooking Oil.  Then using the spatula, carefully flip the bread and egg over.

(Optional:  At this time, add any seasoning over the egg)
Carefully center a slice of cheese on the bread, covering the egg.  When the cheese begins to melt, remove it to a plate.  The residual heat in the egg and bread will continue to melt the cheese.  Repeat for all bread slices being prepared.  Place the second bread slice 1/3 off center from the first to make a nicer presentation.

Griddle center cuts.JPG
Add cinnamon sugar to griddled center cuts.JPG
Finished serving.JPG
Step Four:

Once all the bread slices have been plated, coat the surface of the griddle (or frypan) lightly with the Spray Cooking Oil.  Coat the bottom of the bread circles with the Spray Cooking Oil, and arrange them on the griddle (or frypan) (two per serving).  Coat the tops of the bread circles with the Spray Cooking Oil.  Lift them up to check for doneness after two minutes, (if they look
medium brown like a grilled cheese sandwich, flip them over).  Lift them up to check for doneness after two minutes, (if they look medium brown like a grilled cheese sandwich, coat the tops of the bread circles with the Spray Cooking Oil, then sprinkle to taste with the cinnamon sugar.  Serve two circles per serving, plate next to the bread slices.
(Optionally, add the post-cheese toppings of your choice to the bread slices).

Suggested go-withs:
Sausage (regular or turkey)
Bacon (regular or turkey)
Grilled, baked or griddled brats

Try alternate cheeses that melt easily, like canned spray cheese, Velveeta, Gruyère, brie, camembert, Sliced: swiss, mozerella, cheddar, provolone, etc.