Padawan Jedi Fry

by Garage_Shop_Crafter in Cooking > BBQ & Grilling

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Padawan Jedi Fry


So you're a jedi master with a padawan that's gone off the rails? Perhaps he's been converted by a Sith Lord or even led a clone battalion against the Jedi Temple?

Well either way, you need a way to stop his shenanigans once and for all and aren't sure what to do....

Well let me suggest the Padawan Jedi Fry ... a specialized service of the Mustafar Lava Fields. Follow these easy steps and you'll be free to go away into exile with one less thing to worry about!

Stow Aboard Your Padawan's Ship


Obviously, you want to keep a close eye on your padawan at this point...he's a lose canon that needs your chaperoning now more than ever.

Sneak aboard his ship and follow along on his voyages.

Cross your fingers.... if he ends up heading to Mustafar then you're in luck! We can move on to the next step

Confront Your Padawan


Ok, you're on Mustafar and you've caught your stray pupil by surprise...time to let him know you're there.

He's probably not gonna be too happy with you following him but you're here to put an end to things so better step up to him.

Remind him that your allegiance is to the DEMOCRACY (not the senate) --- it's important to let him know just where you stand.

He will not take it well, so we'll progress quickly on to the next step....

Duel Your Padawan to Submission


it's time to d-d-d-d-duel!

The Mustafar Lava Fields Construction Authority (M.L.F.C.A.) has considerately placed all kinds of platforms and terrain for your dueling pleasure. Feel free to take full advantage of any and all floating platforms and elevated walkways. Each building, platform, and walkway has been lovingly constructed for your don't worry about slicing them and/or having them fall to their destruction in the lava below... the M.L.F.C.A is always happy to contribute to an epic lightsaber duel.

oh, bonus points if you're able to work in an impromptu lightsaber rave!

Hold the High Ground


Now that the effort of the duel has allowed the hate and anger to really marinated within your young, wayward, is time for the critical step: gaining the high ground

At the first convenient opportunity, you will want to move to an elevated position on the bank of one of the many lava flows. This will signal that the duel has ended and that the Padawan Jedi Fry will commence shortly

Your arrogant student may not get the clue at first, so you'll want to very clearly spell it out for him:

It's over. You have the high ground.

Slice and Dice


At this point it is time to cut up the fry into smaller portions. This will help with a more even and expedited frying process.

Allow your former brother in arms to select which limbs you will be removing. If he offers all his remaining limbs through a foolhardy attempt to take your high-ground (probably whilst yelling about how you've underestimated him) ... feel free to proceed to liberate all those limbs from his twirling body.

At this point, it's best to allow the carefully calibrated heat of the Mustafar lava flows to do their work. You can step back and share any parting words to your fallen foe

Roast and Toast


As the flames of the lava fields turn your pupil into a proper Padawan Jedi Fry...take the opportunity to rest from the duel, collect your composure, and roast a few marshmallows

Your Padawan Jedi Fry is now complete! Please be sure to collect any discarded lightsabers on your way into exile.