Bakeing Soda and Vinigar Bomb

by RastaMonkey in Workshop > Science

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Bakeing Soda and Vinigar Bomb

this is something alot of you all know, but for those who dont READ ON.
OK. Just so your all familiar I am making PYRO LABS a series so that all of you flame-loving, explosion making arsinists and pyros like myself can have some fun.

Stuff U Will Need

this is very simple all you need is (as the title of the instructble says) is baking soda, and vinigar, and of course something to put it in (a bottle).


fill the bottle with vinagar about a fith or sixth of the way up.

Add the Baking Soda

here is the part where you control how explosive the bomb is (yay) but not so fast (?) you cant blow anyone up (awwwwww). dont add too much (about a table spoon seems right).


when the soda is in screw on the cap (not that tight) and shake it a little and when you think your ready throw it a something hard and boom enjoy the fire works.
diclaimer: if you kill someong or your self or lose a limb or somthing like that I am not to blame.
have fun and blow some sh*t up.