PVC Pipe Lamp
This is the final picture of a very simple lamp made with scraps of PVC pipes. If you donĀ“t have it in your place you can easily find it in a garbage of a construction area because it is used in hydraulic system of buildings.
Check the step-by-step of how to make it in VOQ blog: http://www.viraroque.blogspot.com/
We show there simple, creative and easy-to-do products that you can make whit the old objects that you have in your house. So you can renew and recreate your space without spending money.
Check the step-by-step of how to make it in VOQ blog: http://www.viraroque.blogspot.com/
We show there simple, creative and easy-to-do products that you can make whit the old objects that you have in your house. So you can renew and recreate your space without spending money.