PIC 16F917 Microcontroller Programmer

by ahmedebeed555 in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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PIC 16F917 Microcontroller Programmer


In this instructable , I 'll show you how to build a PIC 16F917 Microcontroller programming circuit. This Microcontroller is a very nice Microcontroller chip form the famous chip manufacturer Microchip.

This Microcontroller is easy to program and powerful to use.

The photo above shows the programmer circuit after completion.


This circuit uses the serial port on the PC . You must use this circuit on a PC having a standard RS-232 serial port.

The USB-to-RS-232 converter will not work as this circuit is power from the +12 volts form the serial port.

If you want to program your Microcontroller using a modern laptop which does NOT contain RS-232 Serial Port, you may want to check this ready made USB programming circuit.

Here is my Channel on Youtube:


Build the Circuit

PICProm simple.png

Here is the programming circuit. It is very simple and easy to build. It is called PicProm

Bill of Material :

Verro Board Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

9 pin Serial Female Connector Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

1 10K ohm Resistor Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

3 2.2K ohm Resistor Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

3 1N4148 Diode Amazon US or , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

1 1N4689 5.1v Zener Diode Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

1 10uF Capacitor Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

40 pin IC Socket Amazon US , Amazon DE , Aliexpress or eBay

I got it from that website.


The website contains the programming circuit and the programming software.

The circuit and the software supports many Microcontroller chips other than PIC 16F917. You may try it with other chips.

Just build the circuit on a copper board or on a bread board.

Start welding the components together as shown on the schematics.

Test Your Circuit


Now , after you 've completed your circuit . You must start to test it with a programming software.

The circuit would be working fine if you could download any sample Firmware on your chip.

I made a flasher program that flashes an LED using the Microcontroller.

The LED flasher program in embedded systems world is comparable to " Hello World " in PC programming world.

The flasher program is written in C language and compiled with HiTech-PIC software.

The simulation model is made with Proteus 7 simulation software.

The Firmware is saved in the flasher.HEX file.

If you could start the PicProm software and download the flasher.HEX file on the Microcontroller chip using the circuit , then you 've just completed the circuit successfully.

You may proceed to the next step if you like to see the Firmware running on the Microcontroller.

Flasher Program

16f917 flasher.jpg
Cover Wind.jpg
Cover Learn.jpg

Here is the flasher program and circuit to test the Microcontroller.

The circuit consists of the Microcontroller chip , battery and an LED.

The Microcontroller uses the internal oscillator by the default setting in the loader software.

You can see a post about this project on my blog :


You can find more posts about Microcontroller projects on my blog : Embedded Egypt


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