Older PC Video Game Save Hacking
by 082535 in Living > Video Games
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Older PC Video Game Save Hacking

Are you bored of OLD PC GAMES that you have completed and never play anymore, well here is a way to give your old game a new life. basically you will learn how to change the save file to get whatever you want.in the game.
Play and Save

For this to work you must play just long enough to generate a save file. If you already have a save file created then skip this step. Yes I know I still play Mech Commander 2, and it's an old game but hey this instructable is for the older games you don't play anymore.
Find the Save File

Once you save, you must track down the save file. the easiest way to find it is to go where the program is installed and start looking. It will most likely be somewhere like C:\Program Files\name of company\ name of game. once there look through the files to find a folder named something along the lines of "saves, game saves, game logs, savegame, or logs" The game save folder will almost always be named with the word save somewhere in the title.
Now the Hacking Part

Now that you are in the save folder you should see the files that hold what you are looking for, but before you change the files you should make backup copies of all save files just in case you mess up (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED). after you have done that click the file to open it. the cannot open file should open up. in that window click select a program from a list, then click ok. once you have done that find Notepad and select it then click ok to open the file. once open there should be lots of readable text that you may understand by playing the game (ex big monster level=0 life+10 speed=5) try adjusting the numbers to give that character an edge don't set the numbers too high or the game might not work. many other things may be accomplished too like unlimited money, all items, and much more. once you are done with the file then save it DO NOT CHANGE THE EXTENSION OR THE FILE WILL NOT WORK! after you save it find out if the file works. to do this run the game and load the file you have modified. if the game runs, and you have everything you changed then it worked, on the outer hand if the game crashes then there is a problem. the best way to fix it is to replace the file with the backup copy and start over. (This Process may only work on older games)
Hacking to your advantage may be considered cheating, but it sure brings life back to a dead game.
H4x0R's gaming motto "If you can not beat a game, then modify it in your favor!"
this is my first Instructable i hope you like it!
Hacking to your advantage may be considered cheating, but it sure brings life back to a dead game.
H4x0R's gaming motto "If you can not beat a game, then modify it in your favor!"
this is my first Instructable i hope you like it!