PC Build

by ryancunningham97 in Craft > Digital Graphics

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PC Build


We will be learning how to build a PC. If you build your own PC you are able to put the exact components that you want in it.


PC case, ram, hard drive, CPU, power supply, motherboard, standoffs, screwdriver, screws ECT.



Unbox your case and put it in your workspace. Take off the side panels so you can access the inside.



Unbox your items so you have access to them

Build PC Outside


Build your whole PC outside of the case to make sure that everything works correctly

Power Supply

Plug power supply into the wall

Plug in Power Supply


Plug the 20-24 pin connector into the motherboard. Careful this is a keyed connection

Plug in Power Supply...


Plug the 4-8 pin connector in to the motherboard this is for the CPU

Hard Drive


Plug your hard drive in, this step depends on what kind of hard drive you have we used a M.2 Drive



Put your RAM in. Make sure the notch on the bottom lines up with the notch on the socket. Push it in so it clicks.


Open the CPU socket. Place the pin side of the CPU down with the triangle on the corner in the same corner as a triangle on the motherboard. Close the lid, there will be resistance and the top will be able to pop off.



Put your heatsink fan on the CPU. Make sure there is thermal paste on the bottom. Line it up with the holes. Push the buttons on the corners in and twist the arrow away and it should click in. Then plug the fan which is attached to the pins labeled CPU fan.

Turning On


Now make sure the button on the back of the Power Supply is on I. Use a piece of metal to start the computer by touching the metal to two pins, on this PC it is labeled PWR BTN. The PC should turn on. You can plug it in to see if it works or u can install a speaker and there should be two beeps but it depends on the computer.


Unplug the power supply from the motherboard. The rest of the stuff may be left on.

IO Shield

Take your IO shield and install it with the words on it facing outward. Do this from the inside and push and the corners will snap in.



You need standoffs on your computer to separate the Motherboard from the case. Some may already be installed. Put the standoff screws into the hole. Use the special tool(Pictured) and put it on the standoff and screw the standoff in.

Install Motherboard


Install your motherboard. Make sure all the ports are facing outside and fit it to the IO shield. After this is done the standoff holes should align with the the holes on the motherboard now. Screw the motherboard into the standoffs to secure it.

Install Power Supply


On the back of the case there is a cutout for the power supply. Put it in with the buttons facing out. If the screw holes align then it's in correctly. Screw it in.

Plug Power Supply In

IMG_5513 (1).jpg

Take the same 20-24 pin and the same 4-8 pin connectors from earlier and feed them through a convenient hole. Plug them both in just like we did earlier.

Plug in Case Fan

The case fan should have a 3-4 pin connector on it. Plug it into the fan pins there will be 3 or 4 or them.

Plug in Case

There should be lots of cords coming from the case. Plug the USB into the USB slot on the motherboard. Next there is an audio wire(Often Labeled) plug it into the audio spot. Next you need to plug in the front panel audio connectors. These are 1-3 pin connectors that are all right next to each other. They will probably be labeled and so will the motherboard. The Motherboards manual should help you find any connections if you need help.

Wire Management

All the remaining power supply wires are not needed in this case. You can Velcro them together and hide them in a convenient place.

Put Case Back Together

Put the sides of the case back on!

Plug It All In


Plug your computer into your monitor using whatever connector you have we used HDMI. Make sure the power supply is plugged in and that your monitor is plugged in.


You are finished building your PC.