PC Build

by miacusenza in Circuits > Computers

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PC Build


Parts you will be taking out:

- motherboard

- motherboard stand offs

- power supply

- hard drive

- graphics card

- ram stick

- cpu

- heat sink

- case fan

Check for POST Beep


Making sure that before you disassemble your pc that every part is still functional in the computer. When you turn it on you should see all the fans moving and here the POST beep. If you don't hear a beep make sure that a speaker is plugged into the speaker connector on the front panel of the motherboard.

Disassembling the PC


Assuming that you were able to get the first POST beep you will now begin to dissemble the PC.First you must unscrew the side panels of the case with a screw driver and then slide it off. Once the case is now open you can begin to disconnect all the cables from the motherboard and the hard drive. After all connections are broken to other parts of the computer's hardware you are able to unscrew the hardware. You can start with taking out the ram from the DIMM slot by clicking back the side clamps. Then pull the ram upwards and out of the slot and you are able to then do the same for the graphics card but this time you have to make sure to unscrew the screw to the left of the graphics card connected to the case then unclasping and removing it from the motherboard. Next you will take out the hard drive by removing it from the hard drive dock. To do this you have to unscrew the clamps if yours have screws otherwise you will be able to take them out with your fingers. This will loosen the hard drive so that you can then take it out and place it to the side on your static mate. Now unscrew the power supply from the case. The screws are located on the outside of the case and once unscrewed you can pull the power supply out from the inside of the case and place it aside. Next you will unscrew the screws in your motherboard which are screwed into the standoffs. Then you can remove the motherboard from the case and place them aside. Now you will unscrew the standoffs from the case and then unscrew the case fan. Next you will unscrew the heatsink to expose the cpu.

Build Outside the Case


Now that everything is outside the case you will begin to rebuild it but outside the case to ensure that nothing inside the case could be effecting the build if done wrong. First grab a alcohol whip and remove the thermal paste from the CPU and the bottom of the heat sink. Reapply the thermal paste with a pea size amount in the middle of the CPU and reinstall the heat sink by re-screwing it back in the way you unscrewed it. Next put the ram back into the DIMM slot and clamp back in with the force of both of your thumbs on either side of the ram stick until it clicks into place. Making sure if you only have one ram like this build that you put it into the correct slot for your motherboard when using only one stick of ram. Next make sure to re-plug in the speaker to the connector on the motherboard then plug in your 4 pin for the CPU power and 24 pin power from the power supply to the power connector.

Second POST


You have hopefully successfully rebuilt the computer with the bare minimums outside your case now and will now turn on the PC to hear a POST beep. To get a POST beep you have to turn it on but since we have no power switch connected since it is outside the case you will have to start the computer by turning on the power on your power supply by flipping the switch to 1 and then touching the power and restart connectors on the motherboard with your screw driver.

Build Into Case


Now screw back in your motherboard stand offs then you can screw the case fan back in and the power supply and your motherboard and hard drive the same way you found them except make sure your fan on your power supply is facing downwards in the case for exhaust. Next plug in the rest of the power supply cables you had in to begin with when it was in the case before. Plug in your case fan plug into the system fan connector, then plug in the usb connector from the case into the usb 1 connector, then plug in the sata cable to the motherboard and the other side to the hard drive, connect the IDE cable from the power supply to the hard drive in the longer port that looks like a SATA port. Next put the graphics card back into the PCIe slot on the motherboard and clamp it in and make sure to re-screw it back in to the case at the top left into it's slot. Now connect the switches from the case in correctly to the Pled-+ HD-+ Pw-+ Res-+ connectors as seen on the motherboard in the table/chart displayed underneath the connector. Reconnect your audio cable to the motherboard's audio connector and turn your PC on from the power on switch on your case making sure your power supply is also turned on. You should see all your fans working and hear the POST beep once again and you have done it! For extra check plug in a VGA cable from a monitor into your VGA port on your graphics card to insure it is working.