This photo frame is made by papers and cardboards....
Flower was also made by papers..
Flower was also made by papers..
Measuring and Marking

Measure the four sides of photo and according to that Mark....

According to that marking make cut by using scissors... This was four sides of the frame....
Paper Rolling

Role the papers in that cuted cardboards... Do to this looking like paper work....

Fix that paper rolled cardboards on photo base in the pic by using Glu
Do Decorative Items

Make sure four sides of the frames were decorative...... For that peel the cardboard and do that same..
Fix Decorative Items

Fix that decorative items four sides on fixed paper rolled cardboards on base looking on pic . ....

In last colour that four sides of the frames to urs creativity..I made that by tea powder colour..

Finally we made that paper photo frame of a Swami VIVEKANANDA ..