Overhand Knot Lanyard
Only overhand knots are used to make the body of this lanyard.
Middle your cord.
Bring right hand end down and over to form the loop of your lanyard.
Bring the left hand end over that cord, under two and up through the bight.
Note: Every overhand knot is tied on top of the loop you just formed.
Bring left hand cord over the loop and under the right hand cord.
Bring right hand up through the bight forming the first overhand knot.
Turn knot over.
Repeat step 5.
Repeat step 6.
Repeat step 7.
Continue repeating steps 5 - 8 until desired length is met.
Finishing the Knot: the 2 Strand Turk's Head Knot
Bring left hand end over all strands.
Bring right hand end under all strands.
Bring end A under and up through bight a.
Bring end B over and down through bight b.
Bring end A under all and up through bight a.
Bring end B over all and down through bight b.
Remove some of the slack from the knot.
Take either strand and tuck it under two and pull through.
Do the same with the other end. The knot is complete.
Gradually take the slack out of the TH and tighten it against the body of the lanyard,
Alternate Ending - ABOK 783
Tie ABOK 783 around the loop
Follow directions here - wrap around one time only (as shown in step 12) and proceed as indicated.