Outdoor Survival Kit
Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my Instructable! This Instructable will tell you exactly what you need to bring whenever you go camping, backpacking, ect. It will also provide descriptions of WHY you need to bring some of the stuff, while others are kind of self explanatory. If you like this Instructable I would really appreciate your votes. Also, FYI this won't go through airport security. What with the matches, pocketknife, and all.
Your Bag
There are several options for what you can carry your stuff in. I'm kinda partial to backpacks, mainly because you can hold a lot of stuff in them and you can (obviously) just carry them on your back. If you're looking for a more compact bag, you may want to consider a fanny pack or you could formulate a way to attach all this stuff to your belt. Ok, I guess a purse would work too, but if you're a guy that's maybe not the best option.
The Next Few Steps Will Tell You What to Put in Your Survival Kit.
A Pocketknife
I admit it. I love my pocketknife. These small, compact tools are perfect for a variety of things. You should definitely consider investing in one. There are a variety of pocketknives that you can choose from, from ones with locking blades to ones with tiny pairs of scissors attached. They are good for cutting things (obviously), whittling tools, and countless other things, depending on what tools your pocketknife has on it.
A Phone, If You Have One
A phone makes calling for help a lot easier, but some people may argue that it takes the fun out of things. So include it if you want, but don't feel obligated. If you have a smartphone you can get a compass app, which can come in handy.
String or Rope
Useful for making snares, fishing rods, bows, or tying things in general. You should include a variety of thicknesses.
A Lighter or Matches
Trust me, you will need to light a fire eventually, whether to cook on, use as a flare, or just for the heat.
A Watch
To tell time, but there is another reason I included it in this list. You can actually use it as a compass! To do so, point the hour hand towards the sun. South is right between the hour hand and 12:00.
Fruit is a good option, as well as energy bars. You should probably bring beef jerky or some kind of protein too.
Duct Tape
Duct tape holds the world together.
The human body needs water to survive. Don't forget your full water bottle!
A Paperback Book
If you like to read, this is definitely a must.
A Camping Pillow
These tiny pillows will easily fit in your bag, and are pretty comfortable too.
A Sleeping Bag
If you're planning on staying for a while it might be smart, but it's big and bulky and probably won't fit in your bag.
A Compass
Fire Starters
Small twigs, wood chips, newspaper, or make one yourself, like the one pictured.
Umbrella and Rain Jacket
Unless you like being wet, this is a must.
It's always a good idea to have cash on you. You don't need much, maybe $10, but just in case you end up needing it, you should always keep some in your kit.
Anything Else You Can Think Of
Headphones, maybe, if you like to listen to music? Add whatever you want to personalize your kit.
Thanks for taking the time to read through to the end of my Instructable! I hope you liked it!
Thanks for taking the time to read through to the end of my Instructable! I hope you liked it!