Origami “magic Tree”

This is a trick I learned when I was folding some paper scraps, it works best with newspaper but you can use any type.

All you need for this project is some scissors and a piece of paper.
Cutting and Rolling

Get a piece of paper and cut a strip from it, then loosely wrap the paper into a tube.

Once your paper has been rolled into a tube make two cuts on the 1/4 mark and the 3/4 mark, then bend the cut sections downwards as shown in the third picture, then make a cut on the top of the tube.
Forming the “tree”

now, pull the top layer of paper upwards from the stack, then grip the bottom of the stack and pull it should expand into your “tree”, if not try again until you get it to form, with this technique you can make the tree as big or as small as you want, enjoy!