Origami Paper Box

A cute paper box, simple to make and made from things you probably would have around your house! Definitely worth making.
A sheet of paper, any color. Can be rectangular or square. Any size works too.
A pair of scissors
An adhesive (glue, tape, etc.)
Some markers, paint or whatever you want to use. (Optional)
Step 1

1. Fold the paper in half
2. Unfold
3. Fold it to the middle
4. Repeat with the other side
5. Unfold
Step 2

1. Fold the paper down in half
2. Unfold
3. Take the bottom fold and fold it to the middle crease
4. Take the top fold and fold it to the middle crease
5. Unfold
Step 3

1. Cut where the blue marks show (On image above)
2. Fold the top and bottom flaps up
3. Unfold
4. Fold the left and right flaps to the middle
5. Unfold
Step 4

1. Make the left and right sides stand up
2. Make the top and bottom flaps stand up
3. Tuck the yellow and green flaps outside
4. Stick it in place with your chosen adhesive
5. Make one more for the top of the box
6. Decorate
Step 5

Enjoy! Put whatever you would like in it. Put it together and it will make great storage, as long as the items aren’t too heavy, of course. Super cute and works with any type of paper. The size doesn’t matter so you can make a tiny box from post it notes for your stuffed animals!