Origami Halloween Claws
For a nice halloween claws use a A4 or Letter format piece of paper. Even better is a square. If you have a square skip ahead to step 4 or just watch along the video and wait for you moment to join in.
you will need 1 sheet of paper per claw. printer paper works just fine.
all steps are the same as in the video. The images have been added so you have a nice printable diagram if you can't watch video.
the first image is the step, the second image the result
fold diangonally
fold the lower left hand corner on the lower right hand corner
fold the top 2 corners down in a 45° Angle
folde the model in half. people with a square join here and fold their sheet diagnolly (corner on corner)
fold your triangle corner to corner
fold the left hand corner so the edge is vertical
fold along the edge
stuff the right hand corner in the pocket
work your finger through the pocket and repeat the steps for each claw