Origami Fishing Game
This game has been played at The San Mateo Maker Faire 2013, Education Day; O' Hanlon Center for the Arts, a gallery opening 2013; Come Out and Play SF 2012 and 2014; and Figment Oakland 2014. A class to make the sea creatures took place at The Mill Valley Public Library in 2012. This game was first made for the twin sons of my friend, Jeremy Spear of Hawaii. I am working on a new version using a laser cutter with The Marin Maker Space. I am also working on my own fish folds. I created an animated version for social media marketing purposes with Women Who Code, Java Script Study Group with the idea of an app version. I will probably bring it to The San Mateo Maker Faire 2015, The Greenbrae Mini Maker Faire 2015, Come Out and Play 2015 and Figment Oakland 2015
Emily Wong
The Upcycle Factory
Choosing Figures and Paper
Pick out figures and paper (origami paper, wrapping paper, paper grocery bags, magazine paper, phone books)
Nick Robinson Platters
Sea Creatures
turtle http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
Prawn http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
crawfish http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
StingRay http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
crab http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
goldfish http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
Inflatable goldfish http://en.origami-club.com/sweets/dish/dish/index....
Setting Up the Game
Place the sea creatures in the pond. The pond should be made of thick paper size 24 x 24 inches, approximately.
At Figment Oakland a picnic table with low benches was exceptionally suitable for small children, as young as 3.
Methods of Playing
You can make fishing poles using straws, string( thread the string inside the string down the straw and tie the ends. Leave a 12 inch tail for the fishing line and tie the paper clip for the hook) and paper clips(unbend) or uses the cranes, making a hook out of the peak.The fish and sea creatures should all have a hole punched out for the paper clip or bird peak.
Players made up the following playing methods:
Guys against the girls
Children against parents
Who ever catches the most fish wins, possible with a time limit
Some fish are worth more points than others
Two people can catch the same fish together or try to steal a already caught fish or sea creature
big birds can capture smaller birds
A sea creatures get thrown back into the pond