Origami Cute Flower

This origami flower look nice and it is very easy to make, grab some stuff and lets start!
Tip: use the images and videos to make it
Pink origami paper
Thick and thin black markers
Step One

1. Fold the paper in half and make a little fold up and down.
2. Use the bottom left corner and fold it up to the point we just folded
3. Flip it backwards and fold
4. Fold the other side to the crease
5. Fold it backwards flip and cut along the line
Step Two

1. Open up, fold like this by tucking it in, then fold up
2. Draw with the thick and thin markers like shown then flip over
3. Fold like shown by tucking it in again and do the series of folding shown in the pictures
4. Push the nookie down as shown then repeat for all five sides
Step Three

1. Flip onto this side fold it up.
2. Repeat on all off the sides
3. Ruffle and your done