Origami Cat
Origami can be a fun relaxing activity, but it's also a way to express yourself. In this Instructable, we hope to successfully guide you along in the process of creating your very own Origami Cat!
A sheet of any kind of paper.
Take printer paper and fold one corner to the adjacent side.
Then use your nail and press along the fold for a better fold or crease.
You should be left with excess paper; tear this off so that the paper becomes a square shape.
After tearing off the excess paper, unfold the page to prepare for the next step. You should be left with a perfect square with a crease in the middle.
Take one corner and bring it to the middle crease. Fold. Repeat on the other side. You should now have a kite shape.
Take the long end and fold it up so that the tip of the long end lines up with the top corner.
Take the two side corners and fold in.
Unfold the long fold, and take the opposite tip (short tip) and fold till it reaches the two folds.
Take the top (shorter) half and fold till it diagonally. Undo and repeat on the other side.
You should now be left with an ‘X’ crease as shown in the picture. Make sure these are strong creases as they are vital to complete the next step.
For this step pay attention to the creases we just produced. You now want to fold inwards both the left and right ‘triangle’ sections produced by the ‘X’ crease at the upper end of the sheet.
While making these folds on both sides, you should be able to easily collapse down as shown in the picture. A video is included as well.
The short part nearest to you should look something like a diamond or heart-like shape. Fold the left and right edges of your “diamond” so that the tips of the folded edges meet in the middle.
Pull out the two side folds and flatten them as shown in the example. For this part you aren’t making any new creases, just conforming to old ones. Then, pull the tip of the 'head' up making a diamond shape. This section will become the head of the cat.
Arrange the paper so the short part is facing you and the long tip is facing away. The short part nearest to you should look something like a diamond or heart shape. Fold the left and right edges of your “diamond” so that the tips of the folded edges meet in the middle.
Pull out the two side folds and flatten them as shown in the example. For this part you aren’t making any new creases, just conforming to old ones.
After step 14, there should no longer be the kite shape with an acute angle at the top. Again, follow the old creases as shown at the top to fold the two sides inward to once again create the kite shape.
Then fold the whole thing hot dog style, while folding the head inwards. At this point, the cat head will begin to extrude.
Fold all layers of the tip at a 90 degree angle. Because many layers are being folded, be sure to make a good crease.
Now, when you unfold the tail, you are left with a crease. Following the crease, you want to push in and do a reverse fold. This will cause the tail to go straight down like before, but the tail will be on the inside to maintain symmetry of both sides.
On both sides, fold the tail edge to edge. This will result in the cat's tale to look skinnier and more natural. The next set of pictures show this in detail.
Starting from the tip of the tail, fold the tail, once again, in half from each side.
Next, slightly unfold the rear end near the tail, allowing you to push the entire tail upwords. After flattening and creasing, you should be left with a cute origami cat!