Origami Butterfly
This is an origami butterfly. Origami can be challenging at times, so my team and I made effective and straightforward instructions to make it easier for people to create an origami butterfly!
For this instructable, you will need a piece of paper, pencil, and scissors.
Start with a piece of paper. (Use thinner paper if you have difficulty with creasing).
Fold the upper left corner down to the right side, creasing at the upper right corner. Make sure it’s pointy.
Now cut the bottom half of the paper.
Unfold so you can end up with square origami paper.
Fold the bottom half of the paper to the top half, then unfold.
Fold the top and bottom edges to the center crease.
Fold in all four corners so the edges meet at the center crease.
Fold down the top half.
Fold the center of the bottom half to the top half. Crease about an inch of the center with your fingernail, but do not crease all the way. When you remove your finger, there should be a crease in just the center.
Flip the paper over to the other side.
Place a finger on the center of the paper and use your other hand to wrap the paper around your finger.
Remove your finger and there should be a loop.
Use a fingernail to poke the center of the bottom of the loop.
With your forefinger and thumb, grab both ends of the loop and pinch them together. Pinch and release to make the butterfly wings flap!
Draw and design the butterfly wings.