
Operazombie is a game based on the existing game “Operation”, in which more interactions are added by using arduino and a horror setting for Halloween.
A coffin where an undead is found with certain organs exposed. He is sleeping, so the parts must be carefully removed with tweezers. If the tweezers touch the edges where the organs are, the zombie would wake up.
The game starts when someone pushes a power button. A welcome message will appear on the screen next to the zombie’s head. After that, another message will notify about which part has to be taken out first.
To remove the different parts of the zombie, metal tweezers connected to the game are necessary. If the indicated part can be removed, a photoresistor will detect if the part has been successfully removed. The RGB LEDs change their colour according to the organ, and when it is removed appears a note on the screen which tells you the next step.
When all the pieces have been removed, another message will appear, congratulating you for winning! This happens when the game is completed.
If when removing any of the parts, the tweezers make contact with the metal of the edges, this will count as a mistake in the operation, notifying about it with a written message on the screen and with an angular movement of the zoombie's arms. This angle increases with every mistake. When the player arrives at the fourth mistake, on the screen will appear a message from the zombie, ending the game.
In order to play another round, the player just has to push the button and start again!
Structure and decoration materials:
2 - Large paperboard boxes.
1 - Metal film
1 - Long wire cable.
1- Metal tweezers
Colour paints
Fake black spiderweb
1 - Black zeal
1 - Painter’s zeal
1 - Zeal
1 - White glue
2 - Black sprays
1- Zombie’s plastic head
Fabric (checkered pattern)
1 - Newspaper
Electronic parts:
1 - LCD1602Module (Liquid crystal )
1 - LCM1602I2C (Adapter for de liquid crystal )
2 - RGB LEDs
40 - Female-to-Male Dupont Wire
35 - Breadboard Jumper Wire
3 - 330ohm Resistors
4 - 1k Ohm Resistors
2 - Servo Motor SG90
1 - Buttom
4 - Photoresistor (Photocell)
1 - USB cable
1 - UNO R3 Controller Board
1 - 830 Tie-Points Breadboard
1 - Soldering iron (tin)
1 - Silicone gun (silicone)
1 - Scissors
1 - Ruler
1 - Pencil
1 - Cutter
1 - Eraser
1 - Markers

- From a large paperboard we define the shape of the structure of the game, create the shape thinking about the bends, adding edges to glue the parts together.
- In the upper structure, a plate where the game will be interacted with, we cut the necessary holes to add the components. We cut out spaces for a plastic zombie head, 4 body parts, the text display screen, the power button and wiring for the clamp wire, we also cut a hole for the servomotors wires.
- In the holes created for the body parts, we add metal tape on the edges.
- With paperboard we reinforce the internal structure of the game, cutting 4 boxes to locate the body parts.
- With foam we shape the arms of the zombie and we glue the hands made of paperboard to them. For the organs we give them the desired shape using newspaper.
- Once we have each individual part, we join the connections of the PCB board to the structure. Each box of body parts will have a light sensor (photoresistor) in the center of the base, the arms of the zombie will be connected directly with servo motors, we will glue the RGB LEDs to the eyes of the zombie, the text screen goes next to the head (Liquid Crystal) and the start button will be connected directly from inside the structure.
- The metal cable of the clamps and the metal tape of the edges, will be joined with the appropriate wiring by welding and gluing, to ensure a good contact for the passage of current.
- The different parts of the structure of the game are joined with silicone.
- Finally, we added decorative details, such as fake spider web and clothes for the zombie.

A complex part of the project is to adapt the circuit to the physical structure of the game since the connections are long and the cables can easily get tangled and come out. The game can be made in any size you want, however, it is preferable that it is not too small as it is more uncomfortable to play.
Working with arduino has been a challenge since it was the first time that we interacted with the program, also the fact of programming there is always a factor of uncertainty as to whether or not the game will work correctly, since it not only depends on the program but the correct arrangement of the elements in the circuit since only a small error prevents the program from working. To start programming, it is very helpful to make a flow diagram since from it the program can be structured in a simple and logical way.
An important aspect to take into account, once all the elements that will be used have been defined, is to understand their connections well and know if it is necessary to download extra libraries on the arduino since the program may be fine but for that factor it does not work.
We had problems with the Liquid Crystal I2C, it turned on but no message appeared. Probably its an electrical conection problem (in our case).