OpenLogger With Intel Edison
by veronafablab in Circuits > Linux
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OpenLogger With Intel Edison

We are a group of makers who like to spend nights and weekends tinkering with technology here at Verona FabLab (Verona is a town in the North of Italy) and with this instructable we want to describe the project we've realized for Intel Maker contest.
The project uses our framework Openlogger. Openlogger is a service made of python, read and save the values coming from several sensors at regular times. Openlogger has a web interface, you configure the sensors connected to the board with your browser, very fast and easy, no line of code is required. Openlogger can view the measures realtime and create reports, charts, statistics and export the database for future processing.
Watch the video for a demonstration.
We present an example of this, OpenLogger with Intel Edison platform and Grove Kit IOT sensors.
In addition, we use the Cloud Intel IOT Analytic to store the information obtained.
The Hardware

No soldering is required for this project!
Just stack all the shields, from bottom to top: Intel Edison dev board, GROVE Base shield and your sensors.
The Software

First you have to prepare the Intel Edison, please flash the latest firmware, then access to serial terminal and configure the system and the wifi network. You can do this by following the steps of the official documentation of Intel: Intel Edison on the arduino board
Update packages.
Open Intel Edison Linux terminal and type:
$ vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf
Add these lines:
src/gz all
src/gz edison
src/gz core2-32
$ vi /etc/opkg/intel-iotdk.conf
Add these lines:
src mraa-upm
$ opkg upgrade libmraa
$ opkg upgrade sqlite3
Installing OpenLogger, the source code from github:
$ cd /var
$ git clone /var/OpenLogger
$ pip install enum
$ pip install tornado
$ pip install psutil
Configure Wifi AP
$ cp /var/openlogger/extra/hostapd.conf /etc/hostapd
$ systemctl disable wpa_supplicant
$ systemctl enable hostapd
Configure Service
$ cp /var/openlogger/extra/openlogger.service /etc/system.d/system/
$ systemctl enable openlogger
$ reboot
Let's See It in Action

Power-on IntelEdison, search the wifi from your computer and connect, open your browser and you digit “openlogger”.
Configuring sensor table, from setup page, enter the required information, enter the correct pin number to which the sensor is attached, title and time interval.
The logger is ready.
Wait for the data recording.
Let's See the Results

Show data e graphs.
Connect to Intel IOT Analytics

Now, we connect and upload data from your Intel® Edison to the cloud-based analytics system provided on the IoT Analytics site. Read this article for activate you account.
Add a catalog for each sensor connected to Edison. It is important that the name corresponds to the number of the sensor Id. For example, the sensor with ID 1 will have the following component name: OpenLoggerID1
Look at the figure as an example.
Disable the hotspot and connect to internet with wifi.
$ systemctl disable hostapd
$ systemctl enable wpa_supplicant
Into the terminal and register the sensor component, check the names, type:
$ iotkit-admin register openloggerid1 openloggerid1.v1.0
$ iotkit-admin register openloggerid2 openloggerid2.v1.0
$ .... for each id sensors
$ systemctl restart openlogger
All measurements will be saved in the cloud.