One-Box Vending Machiene

I wanted to create a simple vending machine from recycled materials, so I looked around and was able to make one for free with what I already had and kept my build simple by only using one box! I used one cardboard box (free), a half-gallon milk container (free), a roll of duct tape (can be substituted with glue or other joining methods), and a sturdy pair of scissors.

1 Cardboard box (roughly 12"x6"x18")
1/2 gallon containers
duct tape
The Box

Cut the side flaps of the cardboard box where the bottom flap meets and then tape the bottom flaps all together.
More Box

Cut off the top flap and use the duct tape to secure it inside the box at an angle, connecting the top of the flaps closer to you to the bottom of the box farther away.
More Box

Cut the backside of the box at the height of the inner flap and cut the tape connecting the pieces.
You can either cut out the inner flap and then re-connect it as shown, or carefully pull it through to the outside of the box.
Then fold the edges of the side flaps in toward each other and tape around the pieces to hold the bottom flap at an upward angle so that the items being dispensed will catch in this area.
More Box

Locate the inner flap at the top of the box and cut it out and use it as the shelf for the milk carton to sit on. Cut holes in it for dispensing.
More Box

Using the milk carton as a sizing guide, tape the "shelf" in place above the dispensing area at the bottom. Use the cardboard pieces cutout from the "shelf" to divide the area in two. Tape the "shelf" well on all sides so it is sturdy.
Again, using the carton as a guide, cut out a hole for the carton to emerge through the front face of the box.
Milk Carton

Cut out the milk carton so that, when laying on its side inside the box, there is a hole in the top back and a hole in the bottom front.
Use the duct tape to create an angled surface connecting the upper hole to the lower hole. Make sure the tape fills in any gaps.
Finishing Touches

You can cut slits in the back flaps to close them with a rubber band, or create your own flexible closing mechanism.
Use a cut piece from the milk carton to tape to the front and use as a stop.
Cut out an area in the top to fill the dispenser.

Congrats! You now have a vending machiene from practically nothing! Feel free to decorate or improve upon the design based on whatever you happen to have on hand.