Old Suitcase With LED

Storage solution of toys and other stuff in an old suitcase. The whole is enlivened by Led lights, which are programmed to be on in different colours.
Micro:bit is used for programming. Inside the suitcase is cut a compartment of lockers out of vaneer. By vinylcutter are carried out effectstickers on the cover of the suitcase.
When you are building this kind of ignition system you donĀ“t necessairly need to use an old suitcase orother old material. You can build a compartment of lockers for example in a plastic box or make a box by yourself using the lasercutter.
It is important that you take exact measures from the box that you use before making the pattern of the compartment of lockers.
You can place the led-stripe in the box in many different ways. At this point note the length of the used strip. You can programme the led-stripe in the way you want, for example make different colours burning in different parts of the compartment of lockers. In this way the user can sort out things according to the colours.

Old suitcase, Micro:bit, laser veneer (about 52X52cm piece), battery case, batteries (2X 1,5V), jumper wire (3pcs), alligator clip (3pcs), RGB LED strip (1m), Vinyl sticker (about 40X40cm piece), Vinyl (110X35 cm)

Old suitcase, Micro:bit, laser veneer (about 52X52cm piece), battery case, batteries (2X 1,5V), jumper wire (3pcs), alligator clip (3pcs), RGB LED strip (1m), Vinyl sticker (about 40X40cm piece), Vinyl (110X35 cm)
Make Code

Make code on a Led strip with free program for Micro:bit.
Note a possible unfitness between used Led stripe and coding.
Load the Code on Micro:bit

Load the code you made on Micro:bit by using USB-cable and follow precise directions .
Connect the Electrical Parts

Connect the Led stripe to Micro:bit by the help of jumper wires and alligator clips.
Code Testing

When you have connected the Led stripe and the Micro:bit, connect the power source with the micro:bit. Try if the coding succeeded. If needed modify the code and load it again.
Laser Cutting

Plan the compartment of lockers inside the suitcase by auxiliary program e. g. Boxes.py- website.
Put the plan on the right file form and make the final modifications. Check the right cutting measures and directions of the safe use of laser cutter that the machine an material demand.
After this you can go on cutting.
Release the Compartment of Lockers

Release the compartment of lockers according to the plans and place it in the suitcase.
Vinyl Cutter

Look for example in the internet for suitable pictures and texts to be cut by the vinyl cutter. Use picture search and e. g. cliparts as an aid word.
Follow the own directions of the used devices and and act accordind to them.
Vinyl Plates

Measure and cut the vinyl plates in to suitable pieces and put them on both sides of the suitcase.
Own belts of the suitcase keep the plates in place.

Remove the pictures from the cower paper and fasten them on the wanted places.