Radio IPod Dock
A guy was recently throwing this old radio in the trash... it was under a house for years, muddy, rusted guts, black plastic painted with white house paint... trash!!! So, I did what any "normal" scavenging collector would do, I recycled it. I made it into a retro iPod dock which charges my iTouch and plays wonderful old radio music on Radio Dismuke or whatever source.
Basic instructions: Remove the guts, cut two pieces of aluminum channel to fit into the opening where the dial originally was. The channel pieces are glued in to hold the iPod in the location where the dial was. The iPod slides in and out of the channel, so it is held securely, but not permanently.
Fasten a short extension cord inside the back of the radio shell (glue it, wire tie it, or use a screw to hold it in location). The extension cord is to plug in the iPod charger and a small iPod speaker of choice - either wired or bluetoooth. Paint the shell before attaching the extension cord whatever color you like and attach small "knobs" to the front for appearance. I used axle nuts painted metallic blue... done.
Basic instructions: Remove the guts, cut two pieces of aluminum channel to fit into the opening where the dial originally was. The channel pieces are glued in to hold the iPod in the location where the dial was. The iPod slides in and out of the channel, so it is held securely, but not permanently.
Fasten a short extension cord inside the back of the radio shell (glue it, wire tie it, or use a screw to hold it in location). The extension cord is to plug in the iPod charger and a small iPod speaker of choice - either wired or bluetoooth. Paint the shell before attaching the extension cord whatever color you like and attach small "knobs" to the front for appearance. I used axle nuts painted metallic blue... done.