Ocean Theme Nightlight and Clock/timer

by gubutek in Circuits > LEDs

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Ocean Theme Nightlight and Clock/timer

Ocean theme nightlight clock/timer (programable)

This is the nightlight and clock/timer I made for my son. He is 4 year-old and he cannot read the normal clock. This light tells him when he should wake up (not too early when I am still asleep). Basically, he can come out and play when he sees all the sea creatures. If he sees only one lighted up, he should go back to bed.

I used arduino to control this light. All the files and code are uploaded so you are free to make whatever change you need. Basically you can redesign for any night light idea you have. The overall size is 204mmx204mmx21mm


You will need these components for the light

  • 3d printed parts: ocean photo, box and frame
  • 6 LEDs (WS2812b)
  • Arduino controller (I used a clone of pro-micro but any arduino should be fine.
  • 5V power supply for the light with micro usb connector (it will need ~0.36A so the cellphone charger should be enough)
  • M2 insert and screw to fix the Arduino to the box

The Ocean Photo


I made the ocean view form drawings on Freepix (thanks to upklyak, brgfx and macrovector). The color lithophane can be created from the site https://tool.itslitho.com/CreateModel. I edited the lithophane to fit my design. If you want to edit your own, check on this tutorial.

There is also 1 photo to be printed and put behind the lithophane to give it some colors. You can download the stl file of the lithophane here. (it is bigger than 25MB so I cannot upload it in instructables.)

Light Box and Frame


After printing the box and frame, you can put the M2 insert to fix the Arduino board later.

If you want to modify the design for example changing the micro-controller, you can use my CAD files. I designed them with FreeCAD so you shouldn't have any problem editing it. FreeCAD is free and powerful enough for the job. 

LEDs Circuit


You will need 6 LEDS for this design. I used WS2812B LED cutting from a strip. They are placed on the posts on the light box and soldered together. One side of the LED chain will connect to the micro-controller as in the Fritzing schematic.

I used pro micro but you can use any arduino controller. I added the simple code for you to play with. You can choose the time and schedule for your need.

My original design idea is using batteries. Unfortunately they lasted only 2-3 days. I changed the design to directly supply with usb cable.

Add the Frame and Power


You can use a M2 screw to tight the pro micro to the box then use the frame to lock the photo and the lithophane in place. After all, you can plug the 5V power supply and test your code.

Happy making!