Ocean Blue Night Lamp

Hello All,
I'm back with another resin project.. This time its something more interesting, its something related to what everybody loves :) It's under ocean themed night lamp. Many of us don't get the chance to explore the under water beauty. so we shall create one. Let's Jump into instructable

1) Resin & Hardener = 900 ml for cuboid size of 19 cm x 16 cm x 3.5 cm
2) Raw wood broken in two pieces
3) Artificial greens
4) Black sand
5) Mini rainbow stones
6) Star fish - 2 nos
7) Real dried leaves
8) Blue - Transparent or Alcohol pigment
9) Led Lamp base
10) Random Sea shells
11) UV resin
12) Acrylic cut out sheet for create mold
13) Hot glue gun
Burn Some Wood

Purchased in this wood in near by shop as long rectangle piece and broke into two pieces to create a cave effect, to my luck, broken pieces came upto my expectation in first break and chiseled little bit.. not much. Since wood looks brighter i wanted to give rustic effect, so burnt it with flame torch
Mold Preparation

Theme is under ocean.. showcasing objects at different depth will be effective also the chosen wood thickness is 3.5 cm, so the outer casing size begins with cutting of acrylic sheet for four sides and one bottom.
Cut out a Poly carbonate or Acetate sheet of 20cm x 20 cm to keep above base with the required shape marked in rectangle
Acrylic sheet is chosen of its rigidity and easy accessibility, First cutting base, base of 20cm x 20cm, extra sheet provided for easy pull off. Now for the cuboid walls, two length of 19cm and two length of 16.6cm. The paper of acrylic is not peeled as acrylic layer is not required here, but to make it resin proof, tape it on surface
when built the size will be 19 x 16 cm, 0.6 cm is used of keeping the length sheet inside of the width, so joining and support would be efficient.

Initially use strong but liquid type adhesive to stick on the acrylic cut outs on the acrylic base, paste the acetate sheet first on base and start building the wall acrylic. when are its standing firm, apply hot glue on the area to avoid leakage of resin, as minute gap is enough to let all resin out and it could end collateral damage as we are pouring resin large quantity.

Prep everything before your pouring, as it will decide the entire outcome. so where to place wood, how to create effects with artificial grass, Since its night lamp, passage should be light reflection, as wood pieces will block the light as its opaque.
Seaweed and Algae

So in burning its just a top burnt effect, use the shape the cut to maximum advantage of pouring your creativity. I used normal paper glue to paste these green, planted the seaweed look alike in the holes available in wood
Ready for Pouring

Finally now ready the base and ideas, now its for pouring.. oh no wait.. still one more prep is pending.. that's detailing
Mother of Pearl

Take a pearl and natural seashell , slightly apply UV resin of pearl and place it on the shell and cure it using LED lights
Detailing Part

Apply UV resin on the acrylic box bottom sheet, place shell and rainbow stones, cure it
similarly black sand, greens and shell on other and cure
Let the Fun Begin

Using resin calculator available calculated required amount of resin, planned to do it in three stages, so first part mixed 200ml resin with 100ml hardener as its 2:1 ratio resin, so total 300 ml. 1/3 portion of requirement. Mix resin and hardener until its crystal clear with some bubbles, add few drops Blue alcohol ink or transparent pigment mix well, No of drops is totally based on your satisfaction of colour

Once you have combined, do not wait start pouring as minutes goes by more heat will be generating within itself as exothermic reaction and it goes to string consistency very fast. Since the shells and stones are already struck in UV resin, put the star fish in place you want and leave it to cure
Pour 2

oops the first starfish has drifted apart from the place it put, some times with mobility object move before the resin cures. since it saw next morning after 8 hours, I can't do anything to put back to original position. Resin gets fully cured in 24 hours, 8 hours for surface cure. so for second pour again mix 300ml of resin & Hardener combination, pour and keep the bottom starfish
Pour 3

so this time, 2nd starfish gave a surprise with mini bubbles. Mix the resin and hardener after 8hours and do the third pouring, make sure to get in the nuke and corner of setup especially side walls of wood.

All the pour done, now its shining like star :P, admire for sometime, thinking about hardships you have gone through to obtain this beautiful piece of art. Once its completely cured its safe to dismantle the external mold. First peel off the hot glue in all corner and bottom plate. Then start from the base, slightly heat using heat gun, with extra grip provided pull out, it should peel out easily as acetate sheet is between. Once that's done start heating the side

I used knife to create a gap for easy peel off after removing hot glue, but be verycareful as wrong you could end up scratching your master piece. so start pulling in sides too.
Light and Enjoy !! Thank You

Led base bought it outside, you can do it on your own too if you have expertise in led light connection and stand preparation.
Fortunately micro bubbles created near wood is because wood is absorbing resin, but natural it gave a beautiful nice ocean wave effects. Even i couldn't do it purposely :P
Light up and have a scenic beauty in the reach of your arms :)
Thank you for coming this far, hope you like this instructable
Please let me know your thoughts and suggestion in comment section